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Symptoms of Diabetes

Symptoms Of Diabetes
Symptoms Of Diabetes

Symptoms Of Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that occurs when the sugar level peaks in your blood. It affects an individual due to an imbalance or lack of insulin production. Diabetes is a long-term incurable disease, but it can be reduced with proper diet and medication. However, it is hard to cure permanently. 

Glucose is the primary energy source carried by the blood to the cells. Though your body is capable of producing glucose, due to the energy requirements, it obtains glucose from the foods you consume. 

Insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas, helps the glucose to reach the body’s cells to convert into energy. When your body doesn’t make enough insulin or refuses to use it properly, the glucose increases in the blood leading to diabetes. High blood sugar can cause many health problems like heart disease, nerve damage, and eye issues. Check below to know what are the symptoms of diabetes.

Symptoms of Diabetes You Must Know

Diabetes Symptoms

Frequently Urinating, Especially at Night

Frequent Urination

An average individual should urinate 4 to 7 times a day if it exceeds the limit, it might be the cause of diabetes. For a diabetic, the kidney should do extra work to filter and absorb the extra sugar. So when it can’t be managed, the sugar passes out through the urine. 

Feeling Thirsty

Feeling Thirsty

People with diabetes urinate a lot more. As a result, they get thirsty and end up drinking more water. It causes dehydration too.

Dry Mouth

Dry Mouth

Due to frequent urination, your body gets dehydrated and loses moisture. This causes dryness of the mouth, skin, or other areas of your body.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Your body will get energy from the food you consume. If your body hesitates to absorb the energy from the food, it will take it from the muscles and fat to energize. So, it may cause weight loss despite any lifestyle changes. 

Increased Hunger 

Increased Hunger 

Diabetic patients hardly get sufficient energy from the food because glucose moves from the bloodstream, which is not enough for fuel that can be used as energy. As a result, you always feel hungry though you have eaten a few minutes ago.

Blurry Vision

Blurry Vision

Diabetes will affect your eyes and vision. It affects the blood vessels in the retina, leading to blurred vision. Therefore, diabetics must get their eyes checked at least once a year. 

Slow Healing Wounds

Slow Healing Wounds

The extreme levels of sugar in the blood may impair the body’s blood vessels and nerves. As a result, even small wounds won’t heal quickly. You may face consequences, such as infection.

Skin or Vaginal Infections

Vaginal Infections

Diabetic patients may have yeast infections in areas like the mouth, armpits, and genital areas because of high glucose levels. It can occur to both men and women. 

Numbness in Feet or Hands


Diabetes will damage the nerves, which will lead to numbness and tingling in the feet or hands. 

Types of Diabetes 

Types of Diabetes

Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes are the three major types of diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 arises due to minimum or lack of insulin production in the pancreas. The autoimmune reaction could be a major cause of this type, where your immune system damages cells that create insulin. Moreover, 5 to 10% of individuals are diagnosed with Type 1. It can affect any person and has no age restrictions. Insulin is necessary for those who are diagnosed with this type of diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes 

In this case, your pancreas will produce adequate or more insulin, but it is not enough to manage your blood glucose level. Unlike the other diseases, Type 2 won’t show symptoms in the early stages. It is a common type of diabetes that affects around 90 to 95% of people. Besides adults, children and teens are prone to develop Type 2. Obesity, being overweight, family history, and lack of balanced diet are the major reasons for diabetes. By following a diabetes diet, you can prevent or reduce Type 2 diabetes. 

Gestational Diabetes 

It is another type of diabetes that affects women during their pregnancy. In the US, 2% to 10% of women develop the risk of gestational diabetes. It goes away eventually after the birth of the baby. However, they are still at risk of developing type 2 in the future. 

Ways To Prevent Diabetes 

No matter what type of diabetes you have, if you follow a healthy lifestyle, you can easily fight such diseases.

Ways To Prevent Diabetes 

Consume Healthy Foods

Add fiber-rich vegetables and fruits to your diet. Try to avoid sweet and processed foods

Do Regular Workouts

If you do workouts regularly, you don’t even need to worry about such diseases. You can try doing yoga to prevent or control diabetes. 

Add Lots of Fiber to Your Diet 

Plant foods are rich in minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, and fiber, which will help you stay active and manage your weight. Fiber is crucial for bowel movement.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking can affect or destabilize insulin production. So try to quit the habit.

Weight Management

Obesity leads to the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Excessive weight around the abdominal area and midsection triggers insulin resistance and prediabetes. By achieving weight loss in a healthy way, you can lower the risk of such diseases. 

Now you are aware of diabetes and its symptoms. So it’s time for you to make changes in your lifestyle, routines, and eating habits to live a better and healthier life. 

Black Sesame Seeds & Its Benefits You Must Know

Do you know black sesame seeds offer you various benefits? Uncover the hidden potential of black sesame seed benefits today.
Top 10 Benefits Of Black Sesame Seeds.

Black sesame seeds have been used for centuries in traditional medicine and cooking, and for good reason.
According to the statistics, the global sesame seed market was valued at USD 5021.7 million in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 6410.3 million by 2027. This report proves that these tiny seeds contain nutrients and offer many health benefits.

First, lemme explain to you about the sesame seeds, and then we will move on to the benefits.

What are Black Sesame Seeds?

Black sesame seeds, rich in antioxidants, are a popular ingredient in Asian cuisine, particularly in Japan, and are gaining popularity worldwide due to their potential health benefits. it’s important to consume them as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Now, it’s time to look into the top 10 benefits of sesame seeds. 

10 Black Sesame Seeds Benefits

Do you think sesame seeds are good for you? Yes, it is true. These seeds possess preventive, nutritive, and curative properties. 

Check out more benefits of black sesame seeds, 

1. Antioxidant Properties

Black sesame seeds are rich in antioxidants, including sesamin, sesamolin, and sesamol. These compounds help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, protect the body from oxidative stress, and lower the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease

2. Heart Health

Heart Health

The sesame seeds are packed with natural oil-soluble plant lignans, and the high levels of monounsaturated fats in black sesame seeds can reduce hypertension, lower cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Also Read: Foods to Improve Heart Health

3. Improved Bone Health

Improved Bone Health

Black sesame seeds are rich in calcium, phosphorous, zinc, and magnesium, which can keep your bones strong and prevent osteoporosis conditions. It also relieves arthritis as they have a high copper content, which can reduce the pain and inflammation associated with it.

4. Digestive Health

Digestive system

Sesame seeds contain good levels of fiber, which improves digestion and eliminates symptoms that are associated with digestive ailments. They reduce unwanted digestive conditions such as constipation, as the fiber promotes the passing of food through the digestive tract and also reduces the risk of gastrointestinal diseases.

5. Good For Skin and Hair 

Good For Skin and Hair 

Plant polyphenols found in sesame seeds can aid hair health. Because of the vitamins and minerals in sesame seed oil, it is frequently massaged into the scalp, which may help with premature graying and hair growth. The amino acids and antioxidants in sesame seed oil may also help dull hair regain its luster.

In addition, the vitamins and minerals present in the sesame seed help nourish the skin, reduce the signs of aging such as wrinkles, and dryness, and promote a healthy complexion. 

Get to know the benefits of citrus fruit for hair and skin. 

6. Weight Management

Weight Management

The high fiber content in black sesame seeds helps with proper weight management because the fiber content makes us feel full, thereby preventing us from snacking and overeating. And also, the phytochemical compounds in them are found to boost metabolism. This metabolism can lead to calories being burned, which results in the maintenance of body weight, and you can also follow some weight loss tips

7. Blood Sugar Control

Blood Sugar Control

The fiber present in these black sesame seeds has a low glycemic index, which slows down the absorption of sugars. This means that they won’t cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels, and will help lower blood sugar levels

8. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Due to the liberal amount of copper present in the black sesame seeds that have anti-inflammatory effects which can prevent or minimize the chances of inflammation in the body such as bones, joints, and muscles. 

9. Brain Health

Brain Health

Black sesame seeds contain essential nutrients like iron, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin B6, which are crucial for brain function, improved memory, and overall cognitive health. 

Also, you can get to know the surprising health benefits of magnesium.

10. Prevent Cancer

Prevent Cancer

One of the most important benefits of sesame seeds is their ability to fight against cancer. Lignans, one of the compounds in black sesame seed, is found to have anti-cancer properties. These seeds induce cancer cell death when consumed regularly.

Wrapping Up

Incorporating black sesame seeds into your diet can provide a wide range of health benefits. Whether you sprinkle them on salads, add them to smoothies, or use them in cooking, these tiny seeds can make a big impact on your overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

a. What are black sesame seeds good for?

Sesame seeds are a good source of proteins, Vitamin B, fiber, minerals, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Eating sesame seeds offers you many benefits including blood sugar control, lowering cholesterol, combatting arthritis pain, preventing cancer, boosting heart health, and more.

b. Is it advisable to eat sesame seeds every day?

Black sesame seeds are highly nutritious and contain beneficial nutrients such as healthy fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. So, it is advisable to eat sesame seeds every day.

c. What is the best time to eat sesame seeds?

Eating sesame seeds will vary based on personal preferences. But, most of them will include them in the breakfast or as a healthy snack during the day time. 

d. Is black sesame seeds hot or cold for the body? 

Sesame seeds are hot. It can generate heat and energy which keeps your body warm. 

e. Can I eat black sesame on an empty stomach?

Yes, you can! Just soak the seeds in the water and let them be in the water overnight. In the morning, strain the seeds and consume the water on an empty stomach.

f. How much black sesame should I eat every day?

Consuming one tablespoon of raw or roasted sesame seeds every day is highly beneficial. However, you may have to consult a healthcare professional to avoid complications. 

g. Can I eat raw sesame seeds? 

Roasted and raw sesame seeds are highly loaded with essential nutrients and minerals than the roasted varieties. So, eating raw sesame seeds is more beneficial. 

h. Why are black sesame seeds expensive?  

Sesame seeds are traded internationally and are also higher in certain nutrients. So, this may contribute to higher prices. 

Home Remedies for Food Poisoning

Home Remedies For Food Poisoning
Home Remedies For Food Poisoning

Hey there, fellow foodies! We’ve all been there – that moment when you take a bite of something delicious, only to find yourself regretting it later with a case of food poisoning. It’s never fun, but fear not! I’m here to share some tried and tested home remedies for food poisoning to help you bounce back from those pesky stomach woes.

1. Keep Your Body Hydrated

Drink Water

The first rule of thumb when dealing with food poisoning is to keep yourself hydrated. As water is the universal healer, drink plenty of water during food poisoning as it flushes the toxins out of the body. Avoid caffeinated or sugary drinks, as they can irritate your stomach further.

2. Sticking to the BRAT Diet


When your stomach is feeling queasy, treat it with the BRAT diet – bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. These bland foods can help soothe nausea and diarrhea. Plus, they provide essential nutrients to help your body recover. You can also add clear broths to your diet.

3. Ginger


Ginger has long been hailed as a natural remedy for digestive issues, including nausea and vomiting. Sip on ginger tea or chew on a small piece of fresh ginger to help calm your upset stomach. You can also try ginger candies if you prefer.
Also Read: Ginger Water Health Benefits

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Due to its alkaline effect, apple cider vinegar is considered one of the best treatments for food poisoning. The alkaline in the apple cider vinegar reduces the acidity in the stomach, thereby providing relief to stomach troubles.
Also Read: Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar 

5. Peppermint


Peppermint is another herb that can help alleviate symptoms of food poisoning. Drink peppermint tea or chew on fresh peppermint leaves to ease stomach discomfort and promote digestion.

6. Basil

Basil Leaves

One of the best herbs against food poisoning is basil (tulsi). Consuming basil juice or basil tea has a positive effect on your digestive tract. It also maintains the pH level by balancing the amount of acid in the body.
Also Read: Health Benefits of Basil Seeds

7. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek Seeds

As fenugreek seeds contain high levels of soluble fiber, they absorb the water content from the stools, thereby resulting in its bulkiness. This property helps in treating stomach discomforts like diarrhea, dysentery, etc.

8. Yogurt


We all include yogurt in our regular diet. But do we all know that it has antibacterial properties? It fights against the harmful bacteria that cause food poisoning. So, consume yogurt to feel better during this time.

Also Read:4 Surprising Uses Of Yogurt

9. Lemon


There is a saying that, “Lemon is the king of remedies”. It has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. You can dilute it with water and drink it for best results.
Also Read: Benefits of Lemon for Healthy Living

10. Garlic


Garlic is generally used in traditional medicine. It has antipyretic, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. By swallowing one clove of garlic with water you can get relief from symptoms, such as diarrhea and abdominal pain.

11. Honey


We all love honey. It is the sweetest remedy for food poisoning. Due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, it is considered one of the effective home remedies for food poisoning. You can either have honey in its pure form or with tea, lemonade, lukewarm water, etc.  

Also Read; Is Food Poisoning Contagious

12. Apples


We have all heard the famous saying about apples from our childhood days. Any guesses? Yes! “An apple a day keeps the doctor Away”. Apple plays a major role in reducing the heartburn and reflux caused by food poisoning.
Also Read: Green Apple Health Benefits

13. Cumin Seeds

Cumin Seeds

One of the popular home remedies for food poisoning is cumin seeds or jeera. It induces the digestive enzymes and rapidly flushes out the toxins. You can consume jeera water 2-3 times a day.

How to Prevent Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is no fun, but the good news is there are steps you can take to prevent it!
Here are some key practices to follow:

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds before, during, and after preparing food, especially after handling raw meat, poultry, or seafood.
Wash all surfaces and utensils that come into contact with raw food before using them for cooked food.

Keep raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs separate from cooked foods and other produce in your shopping cart, refrigerator, and on countertops. This helps prevent cross-contamination, where juices from raw foods drip onto cooked foods or produce.
Use separate cutting boards for raw meat and produce to avoid transferring bacteria.

Cook food to safe internal temperatures. Use a food thermometer to ensure proper cooking, as color alone isn’t always a reliable indicator. Here are some recommended temperatures:
Beef: 160°F (71°C)
Poultry: 165°F (74°C)
Fish: 145°F (63°C)

Refrigerate perishable foods promptly, ideally within 2 hours of cooking or purchasing. Keep your refrigerator at 40°F (4°C) or below and your freezer at 0°F (-18°C) or below.
Defrost frozen food in the refrigerator, microwave, or under cold running water. Never thaw food at room temperature.
Reheat leftovers to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C).

Rest and Relaxation


Last but not least, give your body the rest it needs to recover fully and faster. Always remember, your health comes first! It is always recommended to take off from school or work to feel better during food poisoning.

While these home remedies can provide relief from mild cases of food poisoning, it’s essential to seek medical attention if your symptoms persist or worsen. So, next time when you feel under the weather try these home remedies for food poisoning and bounce back to your food-loving self.

What Are the Different Types of Clefts?

What Are The Different Types Of Clefts?
What Are The Different Types Of Clefts?

Clefts are a common birth defect that occurs when certain body parts do not fuse properly during fetal development. This results in a gap or split in the affected area, which can lead to a variety of health issues if not treated properly. In this blog post, we will explore what clefts are and the different types of cleft lip and palate that can occur.

What is a Cleft?


Clefts can occur in various parts of the body, but they are most commonly found in the face and mouth. The most well-known type of cleft is a cleft lip, a gap in the upper lip that can extend to the nose. Another common type of cleft is a cleft palate, which is a gap in the roof of the mouth.

Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate – Brief Explanation

Cleft lip and cleft palate are common birth defects that occur when a baby’s lip or mouth does not form properly during pregnancy. These conditions can have a significant impact on a child’s appearance, speech, and overall quality of life. 

It is important to understand the different types of cleft lip and palate to provide the best possible care and treatment for affected individuals.

Types of Cleft Lip and Palate

Let’s get started to know about the types of cleft lip.

Types of Cleft Lip

Unilateral Cleft Lip 

Unilateral Cleft Lip 

Unilateral cleft lip is the most common type of cleft lip, occurring on one side of the lip. This condition can range from a small notch in the lip to a complete separation that extends into the nose.

Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip

This is the most common type of cleft lip. Unilateral cleft lips affect one side of the upper lip. One philtral column, a philtral dimple, and two-thirds of the cupid-bow are protected on the normal side. The cleft extends from the lip to the nose in a complete cleft lip. The orbicularis oris does not extend into the complete cleft lip. Instead of covering the mouth, this muscle enters the base of the nose on both sides of the aperture.

Unilateral Incomplete Cleft Lip

A unilateral cleft affects only one side of the lip. It has a normal philtral column, philtral dimple, and Cupid’s bow on a side without a cleft. Incomplete cleft lips vary in appearance. It may have a small gap extended to the skin above the lip.

Bilateral Cleft Lip 

Bilateral Cleft Lip 

A bilateral cleft lip occurs when both sides of the lip are affected, resulting in a split that extends into the nose. This type of cleft lip is less common but can be more complex to repair.

Bilateral Complete Cleft Lip

A bilateral cleft lip affects both sides of the upper lip. There are no philtral dimples, philtral columns, orbicularis muscle in the middle segment.  On either side, the cleft extends to the nostrils. 

Bilateral Incomplete Cleft Lip

A bilateral cleft lip affects both sides of the upper lip. The nostril sills and philtral dimple remain unaffected.

Cleft Palate Types

Similarly, there are three main types of cleft palates:

Complete Cleft Palate

Complete Cleft Palate

A complete cleft palate occurs when the roof of the mouth is completely split, extending from the front to the back of the throat. This condition can affect a child’s ability to eat, speak, and breathe properly.

Incomplete Cleft Palate

An incomplete cleft palate is a milder form of the condition, where only a portion of the roof of the mouth is split. While less severe than a complete cleft palate, this type of cleft palate still requires surgical intervention to correct.

Submucous Cleft Palate 

Submucous Cleft Palate

Sometimes, a cleft palate may not be visible from the outside. This is known as a submucous cleft palate, and it can still cause issues with speech and feeding.

Must read: What Causes Lip Ties in Babies and How to Treat Them?

Final Words 

Therefore, early intervention and comprehensive care are key to addressing the challenges associated with types of cleft lip and palate and ensuring the best possible treatment plans for affected individuals.

How Kids Benefit from Sensory Play?

Kids Benefit From Sensory Play

Every day, we see kids jumping in the water, dancing to their favorite tunes, playing with objects or other children, and breaking things we love! By doing these activities, kids explore their environment through their senses. This is what we call “sensory play.” In other words, sensory play is any activity that involves the senses, namely, sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. It is crucial for a child’s growth and development. In this blog, let’s take some time to discuss how kids benefit from sensorial activities.

Without further ado, let’s start right away!

Various Types of Sensory Play

Types of Sensory Play

Sensory play stimulates a kid’s senses and enhances their cognitive development. It can be anything like the following:

  • Blowing bubbles
  • Playing with shaving foam
  • Creating art with Play-Doh
  • Finger-painting
  • Making structures (like castles) in the sand

All the above activities promote the growth of a child’s brain and enhance their “gross motor skills.” Crawling, sitting, running, and jumping are all gross motor skills. Sensorial activities also help develop a child’s fine motor skills, such as writing, tying their shoes, and zipping up their coats.

Sensory play encourages children to experiment with things and interact socially. It also helps with their language development and fosters interaction with their surroundings.

Is Sensory Play Always Messy?

Sensory Play Might Be Messy

Kids usually love doing messy things, but sensorial activities need not be messy always. For instance, just asking a kid to fill up a bottle with small colored balls is also a sensorial activity. While doing so, the child looks at the colors of the balls, which helps improve their sight. They touch and feel the bottle and the balls, which enhances their sense of touch, and also listen to the sounds of the balls filling the bottle, which helps them develop their sense of hearing.

Thus, with a simple, non-messy activity, you can get a child involved in sensory play. However, getting messy is also good for the child because, when they are exposed to everyday microbes, it results in the natural build-up of the immune system

At What Age Can You Start Sensory Play?

Age to Start Sensory Play

Kids start interacting with their environment right from their birth. They begin observing the surroundings and faces of people around them. As they grow up, they differentiate colors, smile at others, and try holding their hands. Here are some simple techniques to soothe crying babies.

As each kid has their own pace of development, there is no specific age at which they can get involved in sensory play. However, at the age when they start enjoying the surroundings through their senses, you can actively involve them in sensorial activities. 

How is Sensory Play Beneficial to Kids?

Sensory activities assist kids in breaking down complex tasks into simple, manageable steps, which is very much essential for problem-solving. These activities also help kids share and communicate with others of the same age group. In addition, sensory play proves beneficial to kids in the following areas.

1. Cognitive Development

Sensory Play for Cognitive Development

Cognitive growth is all about processing and storing information, solving problems, and completing tasks. 

When kids play with blocks, they see how the blocks stand upon each other. They realize that the blocks bang against one another, which makes sounds. These experiences boost a child’s sense of exploration and discovery, which shape their minds for the future. Sensory play and the experiences preschool kids get from it are also crucial for their future ability to read and write. Such activities also help kids solve problems in science and math later in life. Talking about cognitive development and memory, you might like reading about how being enthusiastic protects your memory from aging

2. Creative Thinking

Sensory Play for Creative Thinking

Many linguistic experts praise the benefits of sensory play. They say it motivates kids to use their first descriptive words and phrases, and also expressive language to describe their feelings. In addition to developing language skills, sensorial activities aid in the development of other creative practices like painting among kids. Some types of painting that boost creativity among children are given below:

  • Splatter painting
  • Blow painting
  • Blot art
  • Spin painting
  • Drip painting

3. Self-Calming 

self calming

Many kids involved in sensory play find it to be a calming experience. Children with sensory sensitivities find it more beneficial because the activities calm their nerves. They find the diversion and engagement in activities soothing because their brains are occupied with completing the tasks given to them. Since we are talking about calming experiences and soothing, you can also read the 5 steps to tame that temper

4. Better Brain Connections

Sensory Play for Better Brain Connections

The minds of kids immersed in sensory play eventually get trained to filter out unnecessary sensory experiences, such as loud noise, while concentrating on an important task. Their brains learn to differentiate between the task at hand that needs to be completed and the other unwanted distractions that hamper the task.

5. Social Interaction

Sensory Play for Social Interaction

Kids can get involved in sensory play by themselves or with other kids at home or school. Preschool children usually play with others of the same age, and when all of them practice sensory play together, it’s more beneficial to them. For instance, a kid playing with Play-Doh will use their hands to create shapes and figures. While doing that, they will watch the other children create shapes that are pretty different from their own. So, they will chat and find out more about each other, which paves the way for better social interactions. This can even be helpful for kids who are too shy

Getting Kids to Practice Sensory Play

Sensory Play

A kid involved in the same type of sensorial activity day in and day out will soon get bored or tired of it. So, parents and teachers must take steps to keep the kids engaged in different activities each day. Age-appropriate sensory play is essential for kids to sense, feel, and understand the objects around them. They should find the activities interesting as well as educating. 

Supervision during activity time might be essential. The supervisor can step back and keep an eye on the kids, and at the same time, allow them to experiment and explore on their own. It is wise to be cautious when kids play with tiny objects because they can cause choking hazards. It’s imperative that parents and teachers keep the kids involved, happy, and most importantly, safe!

5 Cortisol myths debunked


For those who don’t know what cortisol is, it is an important hormone in the body, secreted by the adrenal glands and involved in the proper functioning and regulation of blood pressure, glucose metabolism, immune function, insulin release and much more. We thus need to realize the importance of this hormone and see that there is a balance in the secretion of this hormone.

If you know what triggers your stress, you will be able to manage it wisely.

Cortisol Myths Debunked

Myth 1# Cortisol Cannot be Fixed as Stress is Unavoidable

Sure stress is unavoidable but simple things like exercising, eating your meals on time and eating right will keep you on track and keep your cortisol rhythm in proper sync and flow.

Myth 2# High Hormone Causes Weight Gain

High levels can cause weight gain but so can low cortisol or the same made at the wrong times. Simple steps like getting ½ hour of sunlight within an hour of waking can help if it is too high or too low.

cortisol sun
Myth 3# Exercise Lowers the Hormone Levels

Exercise is a type of stress. It serves us best when it is challenging but not overwhelming. To understand whether it is good or bad you need to see how stable your adrenals are now and how much exercise you are already used to. Do not indulge in activities that overwhelm your body and make it think of exercise as a factor of stress.

Myth 4# Carbs are Bad for Cortisol

Your body uses this hormone to rescue you from low blood sugar. This makes carbs a tool you can use to help regulate your cortisol. Start your day with 25-35 grams of protein and finish it with 20-50 grams of high-quality carbs. You need it at both times of the day to help regulate all your hormones.

Myth 5# Cortisol is Not Important

Regulating or maintaining its levels in the body is essential to keep your energy high, your sleep good, and your metabolism strong.

4 Reasons to keep your child from school


If you are not sure about the reasons to keep your child from school, you must read this blog. Falling sick while growing up is a part and parcel of childhood. The basic rule that most doctors and parents follow is that if you have a fever, you can stay home from school. Do you want to know the other conditions to keep them away from school?

Here are 4 Reasons to Keep Your Child From School

1) Pink eye (Conjunctivitis)

Pink eyes are highly contagious. Viral pink eye will run its course whereas bacterial pink eye can be treated with antibiotics. Children should be kept home while there’s pus discharge and until they have been on antibiotics for at least 24 hours.

2) Sore Throat

Sore throats are usually caused by viruses. If a sore throat doesn’t go away within a week and is accompanied by a fever or tonsillitis, consider strep throat. Strep throat is bacterial and so you’ll need antibiotics to cure it. Send your child back to school after their fever is gone and after they have been on the antibiotic for more than 24 hours.

3) Cold, cough, fever or ear infection

Colds are easily spread by contact with infected droplets in the air. Ear infections can start with a cold. Colds are so common that if kids stayed home every time they had one they’d never graduate. If they are coughing hard, which can spread the infection, or have trouble breathing, keep them home. Even an ear infection or a fever exceeding 100 degrees will keep a child at home. Most ear infections clear on their own so gauge your child’s discomfort level before sending them.

4) Stomach Flu

Stomach flu spreads through contact with an infected person or by eating or drinking contaminated food or water. Children with stomachaches should stay home if they’ve vomited more than twice over 24 hours or have diarrhea or fever.


The Academy of Pediatrics Committees on Infectious Diseases and School Health recommend that a child with minor illnesses go to school unless they are irritable, lethargic, have mouth sores causing difficulty swallowing, have a rash with fever or are exhibiting behavioral changes. When there is no fever and when they can eat and drink normally and they’ve had enough rest, the party’s over.

4 Stages to teach your baby to fall asleep

baby sleep

If you are a new parent and cannot manage them whining all day, you need to master their sleep routine. You can easily teach your baby to fall asleep without rocking or singing a lullaby. It is not a simple process because it can take weeks and even months. But if it works, they will start being independent, fall asleep by themselves, and don’t need a pacifier. Most importantly, they will follow the pattern and put themselves to sleep at night.

Here’s How to Teach Your Baby to Fall Asleep

Stage 1: Do not Feed to Help Them Sleep

Feed your baby when he first wakes up from sleep, and again a bit later if he is awake and still hungry. But when he is just sleepy just experiment with walking or rocking him instead of feeding him. This way he begins to learn to fall asleep without sucking.

Of course you are still using rocking or walking to get him to sleep but that is an easier sleep association to break than sucking.

Stage 2: Help Your Child Sleep in Your Arms

Once she’s used to falling asleep being rocked or walked instead of eating, the next phase is to get her to fall asleep without rocking. So now you should begin with rocking and then before he or she actually sleeps you stop rocking and just sit holding her. If she protests, begin rocking again. After a few attempts she will fall asleep without rocking her and in your arms.

Stage 3: Help Her Fall Asleep in the Bed

The next step is to wait until the baby is almost asleep in the chair with you holding him. Then stand and hold him still in your arms in his sleeping position until he is almost asleep and accepts the stillness.
The next step involves you to begin lowering him into the crib or bed still awake although almost asleep. If he protests you will have to pick him up again in the rocking position.
Keep repeating this. It may take more than 25 attempts but eventually, he will let you put him in the bed without protest.

Stage 4:Touch and Not Hold

This is the last stage to let a baby fall asleep. Eventually, you will be able to put your baby in the crib and hold her there while she falls asleep because she will not need rocking any more. Then you move to touch but not hold your baby while she falls asleep in the crib. She will be able to fall asleep with you simply holding her hand or putting your hand on her forehead. Keep doing this until she accepts it as your new routine.
The new routine should consist of getting sleepy rocking, but then being put into her bed lying on her back and falling asleep there, eventually without you even touching her.

4 Tips to deal with separation anxiety in babies

Seperation anxiety

Separation anxiety is a state and phase where a child fears being separated from his parents. This usually corresponds with tears, bawling and nightmares. Kids think that their parents, their source of comfort is leaving them and won’t come back. They do not understand or comprehend that you will be back and that leaving them is just for a short period.

For those who are facing this for the first time, this time can be very distressing both for the parent as well as the baby. But believe me when I say that this phase is very normal and will pass as soon as your child realizes that you are not abandoning him or her.

This anxiety can go on for days, weeks or even months.

Here are a few tips that will make separation Anxiety Easier

Start Early

The key is to help your child practice being with others after they reach 6 months of age. They need to get used to the world without you being around. If they get comfortable with the environment, it will be really easy to deal with separation anxiety.


Keep the Goodbye’s Short

Prolonging the departure gives your child the idea that there’s something to be afraid of. Do not reappear in between unless you want your child to cry longer and harder.

Match Your Body Language with Your Words

If you expect your child to be brave and not worry about the separation then you also have to show it in your attitude, words and body language. Be confident and cheerful in your goodbyes. If she senses the confidence of you leaving her with the person then she also will warm up to that person sooner.

Never Sneak Away

Parents should never leave their children unattended and sneak away. It will create anxiety in kids. You must always leave them with the caretaker, babysitter, or guardian and ensure the child feels safe and better.


Do not worry this is just a phase and will pass sooner than you think.

5 Best workouts during your pregnancy


It is very important to exercise during your pregnancy. It is beneficial to both the mom and the baby. For the mother it lowers the risk of developing pregnancy-related diabetes and for the baby it helps in increasing brain development and reducing the risk of obesity.

Here are 5 Moves that are Perfect for Your Pregnancy

1. Yoga

Yoga will help with joint flexibility, limit your chances of injuries, and work on total body toning and will also help in maintaining your mental clarity and focus.
You should practice yoga that can be incorporated into your prenatal classes and moves that are safe for you and your baby.

pregexrcs12. Elliptical

This machine offers full range of motion for your legs, sans the heavy impact that comes with running on pavement or a treadmill making it a great cardio workout for moms-to-be.
If you don’t own this piece of equipment or a gym membership you can go for a brisk walk instead.

prgex3. Planks

With your elbows on the floor directly beneath your shoulders, hold your body in a straight line. If that’s too difficult, try moving onto your hands, in push-up position. Focus on your breathing, squeezing your glutes, and pulling your shoulder blades toward your back pockets.

This will work on total body endurance while toning your core, upper body and legs which you’ll need throughout your pregnancy and delivery. Just make sure you keep your spine straight.

4. Swimming

Whether it’s a few laps in the pool or a low-intensity water aerobics class, water is great for adding resistance to a full-body workout or cardio session. The best part is that because your weight is supported by the water, your joints are protected from impact.

pregexrcs25. Bodyweight Exercises

You can continue to do basic strength training moves such as squats, push-ups, rows, raises, and curls during pregnancy. Strength training will make it easier for you to lose the baby weight and get back into shape after pregnancy.

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