Have you been trying to get pregnant but not seem to be getting anywhere? Can’t you figure out why you are not getting pregnant? Infertility seems to be a very common issue these days, especially with the stress and other factors that affect conception of a baby.

Here are some reasons that might explain why you haven’t seen a positive sign on that home pregnancy test:


  • The fact that women are at their fertile best before 30 stands true. It becomes harder to conceive after 30. Research has proved that after 30 and with each passing year we lose 20% chances of getting pregnant.
  • Women are born with a fixed number of eggs. As we get older, these eggs also reduce until we are finally left with none, which is when our menopause comes to an end.
  • So if you really want to have a baby, make sure you get to it soon. You definitely don’t want your age to get into the way of you having a baby.
  • Your biological clock is ticking and can’t be stopped. So the solution is actually in your hands.


  • Stress doesn’t help in getting you pregnant. Usually you find people telling you that if you stop worrying about getting pregnant, you’ll get pregnant sooner. Your body will not be in a relaxed state to reproduce if it is stressed out. Sleep well, get plenty of rest, exercise and meditate to get yourself out of the tension or stress that you are going through.

Weight issues

  • An imbalance in weight can have a negative impact on your hormones. Being both underweight and overweight can reduces your chances of getting pregnant caused by the hormone disruption.
  • Stick to your BMI and you might get pregnant in no time at all.


  • Smoking has a negative impact on your body. It can not only affect your heart and lungs but also has a bad effect on the ovarian follicle and increases the risk of a miscarriage. So quit smoking while keeping in mind the baby that you are about to bring into the world.

Blocked fallopian tubes or endometriosis

  • Blocked fallopian tubes prevent the egg from meeting the sperm. Such a condition is caused by STD’s or previous surgery.
  • The only solution to this problem is to undergo an IVF treatment.

Low sperm count

  • You might not even been the cause of not getting pregnant. It might be your partner. Low sperm count is responsible for one third of infertility cases.
  • Talk to your partner about the issue and encourage him to get tested and even opt for IVF if suggested by the doctor.

Ovulation problems

  • The stressful lives we lead nowadays lead to the untimely functioning of ovulation or even total absence of ovulation in some cases.


  • Polycystic ovaries are one of the main causes of women not getting pregnant. It usually starts with irregular periods caused by a hormonal imbalance. Such a hormonal imbalance leads to increase in male hormones in the body which eventually prevents proper ovulation.There are many ways to treat PCOD’s.

Low progesterone

  • Progesterone is responsible for preparing the uterus to plant the fertilized egg for the term of gestation. Modern day stress and lack of exercise have resulted in the dropping of this hormone and thus preventing ovulation.
  • Figure out what is the cause behind you not getting pregnant and move towards the solution.