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What Is Celiac Disease? Symptoms, Causes & How it is Treated

What Is Celiac Disease?

Just think about the food items I mention. Cookies, Noodles, Ice cream, Pizza, Pasta, etc. How many of you got tempted? Patients with celiac disease cannot even think about these foods in their lifetime. It is an autoimmune, digestive disorder that primarily affects the villi of the small intestine if there is any intake of gluten. Okay, what is gluten? It is nothing but a protein found in barley, rye, wheat, etc. This serious disease causes the immune system to attack the small intestine and stops it from absorbing nutrients. We all know what will happen if there is malnutrition. It weakens the bones, and joints, in women it even causes miscarriage. The saddest part is it affects both men and women of all ages. In a recent report, the Celiac Disease Foundation states that about 80% of people with celiac disease remain undiagnosed. So it is really important to create awareness about this chronic disease, its causes, symptoms, and treatment options. Now, that you know what is celiac disease; read further to learn about the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis. 

Causes of Celiac Disease

Before looking into the causes of celiac disease, I would like to let you know the work of a healthy immune system. A healthy immune system protects the body against infection. But in this scenario, whenever there is an intake of gluten foods, the immune system reacts to this harmless protein by producing antibodies in the gut. This causes inflammation in the villi and other parts of the intestine. Scientists believe that it may be due to some genetic mutation but still, there is no clear evidence for this reaction.

Symptoms of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is difficult to diagnose as there are more than 200 symptoms that vary from individual to individual. 

Celiac Disease Symptoms

Celiac Disease Symptoms in Children & Adults

Though this disease harms the intestine, some cannot notice any symptoms. Once they eat or drink food containing gluten, they experience symptoms such as

Due to the improper absorption of nutrients from the intestine, they also suffer from problems including:

  • Anemia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Joint pain
  • Headaches
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis (Itchy, blistering rashes in areas such as Lower back, Elbows, Knees, and Scalp)
  • Damaged tooth enamel 
  • Damaged liver and spleen
  • Mouth Ulcers and dental problems
  • Neurological problems including ADHD
  • Delayed puberty in female children
  • Infertility in both men and women

Celiac Disease Symptoms in Females

Diagnosis of Celiac Disease

As a first step in the diagnosis. healthcare providers look for evidence of intestinal damage. They use two testing methods. 

  1. Blood Test – They test your blood sample for the gluten antibodies that damage the intestine. 
  2. Biopsy – They test the small tissue sample of the intestine under the microscope. The tissue is taken using endoscopic procedures. During this procedure, a camera that is fitted at the end of the long, thin catheter is passed from the throat to the first part of the small intestine. The endoscopist passes tools through a catheter to perform a biopsy guided by the camera.

After confirming celiac disease, the healthcare provider also checks for the deficiencies of iron, calcium, and vitamins.

Stages of Celiac Disease

Stage 0 – No signs of Celiac disease

Stage 1 – More lymphocytes (antibodies) in the intestinal lining. Apart from celiac disease, this stage also means other medical conditions such as food intolerance and inflammatory bowel disease.

Stage 2 – Several crypt hyperplasia are found in the intestine indicating that you have a rash related to celiac disease.

Stage 3 – More number of lymphocytes and crypt hyperplasia in the intestine. And the villi look shrunken and flattened. Stage 3 is further categorized into 3a, 3b, and 3c based on the damage.

How Celiac Disease Is Treated?

Gluten-free Diet

The most important part of celiac disease treatment is the gluten-free diet. When the gluten intake is stopped, the intestine begins to heal and absorb the nutrients. 

Additional Treatments:

  • Nutritional Supplements for deficits
  • Medications to treat dermatitis herpetiformis
  • Corticosteroids for inflammation
  • Regular follow-up to check the control of the disease

Celiac disease may change your lifestyle and food habits completely. But remember, the light is in your hands. Follow the instructions provided by the healthcare provider strictly.  


Hope this blog covers all about what is celiac disease, its symptoms, and treatments. Open up to your friends and family so that they can also help you in this difficult time. Most importantly visit your doctor and get a diagnosis to prevent any complications. Thrive to live a healthy, wonderful life again!

Baby Teething Remedies & Symptoms

Baby Teething Remedies
Baby Teething Remedies

Baby teething is one of the milestones parents look forward to when their infant’s first teeth come out through the gums. Babies begin teething around 4 to 8 months of age and have 20 teeth at the age of 3. Teething is a tough period for both the parents and the babies because they become cranky and irritated. With little knowledge and some try-at-home baby teething remedies, you can manage the frustrations.

Symptoms of Baby Teething

Symptoms of baby teething

The baby teething remedies and symptoms vary from one baby to another. Here are a few major signs to note:

  • Swollen and tender gums
  • Fussy and crying baby
  • A slight increase in temperature( less than 100 F)
  • Severe cough
  • Change in eating and sleeping habits
  • Gnawing and wanting hard things to chew
  • Drooling and rashes on the face
  • Continuously bringing hands to their mouth 

Apart from these symptoms, they might also feel difficulty in breathing, muscle weakness, constipation, trouble with urine, and agitation. If you observe any of these signs, contact your pediatrician immediately. Teething can be very painful for them, but it does harm them. But if your baby has diarrhea, vomiting, rashes all over their body, and congestion you have to consult a doctor because these are not normal signs of teething. 

Simple Baby Teething Remedies

Teething is painful but the good news is that it can be managed even without medications. But it is always better to try natural remedies when it comes to babies and here are a few of them you may try: 

1. Cold Items

Anything cold will help to numb the pain for the teething babies. You can place a wet-washed cloth in the freezer for up to 15 to 30 minutes first and then let your baby gnaw on it.

2. Chewing Toys 

Chewing Toys 

You can give your baby a toy that is made up of silicon or latex instead of plastic so that it may not contain harmful chemicals. 

3. Gentle Massage 

Gently massage your babies’ gums for instant relief. You can try massaging or rubbing in a circular motion for better results. 

4. Your Finger  

This works best!! Wash your hands first, and then offer your fingers to your babies to knuckle and chew on it. 

5. Breast Milk 



For some breastfeeding babies, nursing helps soothe the teething process and they will nurse longer. For some babies, sucking may feel a little bit painful for their gums.  

6. Frozen Food 

You can freeze some fruits like apples, and carrots and put them into a safe mesh feeder and give them, this will help your baby with pain relief and give them a tasty treat. 

Teething Remedies to Avoid

Of course, you all want to make your baby feel better, right!! But some products harm the baby’s health. Better avoid the remedies that harm your baby’s health. Here are some of the remedies that you should not try!!

1. Biscuits and Foods

The foods that you are giving to your baby should totally depend on your baby’s age and experience with solids, and fluids. Babies under 9 months old may not be able and know how to eat certain foods because they can present a choking hazard. And a lot of biscuits and cookies won’t offer you the nutrition that your baby needs. 

Bananas and applesauce are the best food for your baby when they are teething. These two are the best choices to give your baby in terms of nutrition and they can soothe your baby’s irritated gums too. 

2. Medications

As per the American Dental Council Administration, pain relievers that contain benzocaine are strictly prohibited for babies under one year of age. Know when to visit the dentist before trying natural remedies at home. 

How to Care for Baby’s New Teeth 

Teething Chart

Good oral hygiene is very important, even before your baby’s teeth start to grow.  

  • Until the teeth come out, clean your baby’s gums with a wet washcloth or even with a piece of gauze at least once a day. 
  • Once the teeth come out, clean your baby’s mouth safely the same way at least twice a day. Do this process after feeding your baby. 
  • After one year, you can start using a soft-bristled baby toothbrush with water and a small amount of baby toothpaste that doesn’t have fluoride. 
  • You have to consult a pediatric dentist when your baby’s first tooth appears. 

I hope this blog helps you and your baby manage teething pain. Follow the above baby teething remedies regularly for better results. 

Floss Daily: The Myth, The Truth, and The Reality

Floss Daily: The Myth, The Truth, And The Reality
Floss Daily: The Myth, The Truth, And The Reality

Floss daily and floss correctly because incorrect flossing is more dangerous than not flossing at all. Find how to floss like a dentist for healthy oral hygiene. 

Do You Need to Floss Daily?

Most dentists and commercials want you to floss daily, brush your teeth twice a day, and use mouth wash after every meal. But do you actually need to do all these things for healthy oral hygiene?

Yes and no, you definitely need to brush twice daily but no longer than two minutes and appear zero pressure. Never use a mouthwash after brushing your teeth. Mouthwash is best used after consuming food with strong odors, food coloring, and those highly acidic. Similarly, there are a few details you should pay attention to while flossing too. 

Of course, you should floss daily. There is no second thought on that but how should you floss daily for the best results? Find out below.

How to Remove Dental Plaque?

Food particles often get stuck in between your teeth. Though a toothpick and a brush do the job of scavenging them, residue will always be left behind. These prisoners of a tasty treat help in the development of plaque or tartar. 

Plaque or tartar is a yellowish filament. Their build-up can lead to yellow teeth, cavities, chipping, and weak teeth. Flossing removes these food particles and inhibits plaque formation, preventing teeth color, texture, and health.

Western foods contribute to an increase in plaque development. They [provide a breeding ground for bacteria like Streptococcus mutans. These bacteria can erode teeth enamel, cause your gums inflammation, bad breath, mouth ulcers, and bone loss near the teeth. 

Flossing is the best way to remove plaque. Here are a few commonly used flossing tools:

  • String floss (You can choose among different flavors)
  • Floss picks (Best for reaching corners)
  • Air Floss (Consumes less time)
  • Oral irrigators (Best for people with braces)

When Should You Floss?

The American Dental Association recommends you floss once every day. Dentist Mark Burhenne, the founder of Askthedentist.com, explained that bacteria take around 24 hours to establish colonies in your teeth, and flossing once every day is highly beneficial. 

But let’s get real. There is no time nor the patience to floss every day. Therefore, he recommends his patients floss every day in areas where food gets stuck often. Depending on the teeth structure, people with crooked teeth, oral diseases, or mouth breathers should floss between every meal if possible.

Disadvantages of Flossing

A correct flossing technique is essential because flossing incorrectly is more damaging than not flossing at all. Here are a few things that indicate a wrong flossing technique:

  • String floss can harm your gums and it is often difficult to reach your molars and premolars. These are hot spots for cavities.
  • Bleeding gums can introduce harmful bacteria into your bloodstream directly.
  • Water floss is expensive and takes time to master. You can hurt any existing cavities with this method.
  • People with braces and caps can dislodge these dental aids easily and it can be painful.
  •  Vigorous or over-flossing can weaken gums, give you cuts that get painful when you eat spicy food.

It is best to floss daily before bed after brushing your teeth. Dentists recommend floss picks as the easiest and cheapest way to floss. You can use one floss pick for your entire mouth once. 


7 Ways Too Much Salt Can Kill You!

7 Ways Too Much Salt Can Kill You!
7 Ways Too Much Salt Can Kill You!

Are you consuming too much salt? Find out what exactly sodium chloride AKA salt can do to your body and tasty substitutes that are actually healthy. 

How Can Too Much Salt Kill You? 

It’s not the salt, it’s the sodium that will kill you. Previous had already cited the following health risks of too much salt in the diet:

  • Stomach Cancer

Salt contains nitrate. Too much nitrate can weaken your stomach lining. A weakened stomach lining is vulnerable to stomach ulcers and H.pylori infection which can lead to stomach cancer.

  • High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

Salt needs a lot of fluid to dissolve. Therefore, the cells hold onto water to help the body consume the salt intake. This increases the pressure on the blood vessels and the heart leading to High BP. Blood pressure affects sugar levels and causes diabetes.

  • Damaged Kidneys

The toxins generated by High BP and diabetes need to be flushed out by the kidneys. Thus, the renal blood vessels get overworked and weakened over the span of several years. Similar to salt deposits in taps and containers holding hard water, the kidneys can also get layered up with salt deposits resulting in kidney stones.

  • Stroke

High BP is the main culprit behind cardiovascular diseases. Several studies have suggested 62% of stroke victims in developed countries suffered from High BP. 

  • Weak Bones

Salt can deteriorate calcium deposits in the body. Frequent fractures, joint pain, kidney stones, and osteoporosis are indicators of calcium deficiency. A long-term high salt diet can weaken the bones as you age.  

  • Sleepiness

Everybody feels a little lazy after a heavy diet but too much salt will put your brain to sleep literally. Studies have proven that increased salt consumption for 3 consecutive years can impair cognitive skills and cause severe headaches and dementia. 

  • Edema and Obesity

Since cells hold excess fluids to dissolve the salt consumed, water retention will lead to swelling across different body parts. Though salts don’t induce obesity, they can trigger your taste buds into consuming excess food at inappropriate intervals. 

What Does the Study Say?

Bruce Neal, a clinical epidemiologist from the George Institute for Global Health in Australia, and his team conducted a study on 20,000 villagers in rural China. The participants from 600 villages above the age of 65 had a history of cardiovascular diseases like stroke and abnormal blood pressure. 

The group was divided into two and studied for 5 years. The first group was given salt substitutes that were high in potassium and low in sodium and the other group was asked to use the usual salt they consumed. The group consuming the free salt substitute sparingly was found to be affected less in terms of developing cardiovascular diseases like their forefathers. 

During the study, 3000 people experienced a stroke, 5000 developed cardiovascular diseases, and more than 4000 participants died. This was considered normal given the age of the participants.

The only barrier in having the entire world shift to salt substitutes is the way food is prepared. Unlike rural areas, the urban world is dominated by processed foods. Processed foods are tasty because they contain exponential salt levels. 

Salt Substitutes

If you ever added a dash of salt every time you were in doubt about the taste of the food you cooked then these salt substitutes available in the market are your saving grace. The study conducted by Neal has shows reducing salt intake can save 460,000 lives per year.Salt substitutes are manufactured to function just like your normal table salt, the only difference is, they are low in sodium. Therefore, you can save yourself from consuming too much salt without sacrificing taste. If not, here are 5 ways to reduce salt intake.

What is Phubbing and How Does It Affect Your Kids?


Tell me, have you ever hung out with your friends or family, but you see them scrolling their phones in the middle of the conversation? Well, it is quite a bad habit! But no one can point fingers, because we all have done it. We ignore the people around us and lose ourselves in our mobile phones and other such devices. This phenomenon is known as phubbing. Let us discuss in detail what is phubbing. And how does it affect kids?

What is Phubbing?  

Phubbing, or phone snubbing, refers to the act of ignoring someone present in favor of any device (like a mobile phone). Since we carry our mobile phones wherever we go, phubbing has become very common nowadays. But this behavior may affect the kids with us and they may have the most to lose.

How does Phubbing affect kids? 

Phubbing parent

Let us start with some acknowledgments, there is nothing wrong with using technology to communicate or for entertainment purposes. But there is a time and place to interact with this technology. Suppose you are in the middle of a conversation or social interaction with people, and you suddenly turn all your attention away from the people present to focus on your mobile, it can lead to social disruption. 

Elders’ phone addiction may impact kids a lot. When parents or caretakers prioritize their smartphones over interacting with their kids, they will feel neglected. In worst-case scenarios, kids might start thinking negatively about their elders. Studies on phubbing say that it may damage the kid’s psychological development. 

Internalizing and Externalizing Issues

Phubbing Father

For example, phubbing of caretakers or parents results in internalizing problems, such as depression and anxiety among kids. This practice among elders can also increase kids’ externalizing problems, such as aggression and addiction.  

When parents concentrate on their mobile devices (or tablets, laptops, etc.) when their kids are near them, it can affect the kids’ communication skills development. It’s because distracted parents will spend less time engaging with their kids. The kids themselves will not have the time or space to express their needs or share their thoughts. Added to these, there will be a lack of opportunities for those kids to learn more!

How to Avoid Phubbing? 

Happy Family

So it is primarily up to parents and caretakers over here!! It would be better to set rules and limits on smartphones to avoid phubbing. Refrain from using mobile devices during meals, spend enough time with your kids, and make them feel free to tell you everything. Better put your phones on silent or activate the ”Do not disturb” feature whenever you are around kids, friends, or other people. Having frequent conversations with your kids is also an effective way to minimize phubbing. 

Is Phubbing Dangerous? 

Everyone has this question in mind: “Is phubbing really dangerous?” And, the answer is yes! Although it may seem harmless, it can be quite harmful to everyone. If kids experience feelings of rejection by getting snubbed often, they might get mentally disturbed.

Constant phubbing can make a person feel so invalidated, which can negatively affect their mental health. Being around a phubber can lower a person’s self-esteem, which leads to increased stress. New research has found that phubbing can affect your marriage life too. 

Final Words

If you are interested in giving the best to your kids, make some time for them. Let them connect and socialize with you. Minimizing phubbing will allow them to grow in a healthier environment. Your kids will also start respecting you and their bonding with you will become easier.

7 Reasons for Your Excessive Hunger

7 Reasons For Your Excessive Hunger
7 Reasons For Your Excessive Hunger

Is your tummy growling often? Then it’s a sign of excessive hunger. Sometimes it sounds loud and puts you into an embarrassing situation. The thundering growl sound from your stomach has a name and it’s called “borborygmi.” Actually, the noise doesn’t come from your stomach, it comes from your intestine! This sound is a sign that your body needs more food. There are many reasons for excessive hunger, here we’ve listed a few-

1. You’re Not Taking Enough Protein

Consuming higher proteins can boost metabolism and also reduce appetite. Protein has hunger-reducing properties and it also reduces satiety hormones. High protein is found in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, and yogurt.

2. You Aren’t Getting Enough Sleep

Proper sleep is important for physical and mental health. Studies say sleep deprivation makes you hungry, which leads to overeating and consuming unhealthy foods. And also, sleep deprivation is one of the important factors for obesity. So, if you’re trying to lose weight, have a good quality sleep for at least 8 hours.

3. You’re Eating Too Many Carbs

Refined carbohydrates such as cookies, white bread may taste good but also triggers your food cravings. Refined carbs lack fibers so your body digests them very quickly. It will also increase your blood sugar level which leads to hypoglycemia.

4. You Lack Fat in Your Diet

If you’re a person who eats low-fat food thinking of it as a healthy diet—you’re fueling your hunger. Fat plays a major role in keeping you full. Studies say people who eat low-fat food are often more hungry than people who eat a high-carbohydrate diet. Nutrient-rich high-fat foods are avocados, olive oil, walnuts, flaxseeds, eggs, and full-fat yogurt.

5. You’re Not Drinking Enough Water

Water is not only important to suppress your appetite but also for your overall health. Water fills your stomach, leading to fullness and reducing hunger. Drinking two glasses of water before every meal i.e a total of six glasses a day will help you to reduce your appetite.

6. You’re Exercising a Lot

Exercise burns calories to sustain your energy levels. Research shows that people who exercise vigorously on a regular basis tend to burn more calories than those who exercise moderately. You don’t have to stop doing your workouts, instead, cut down the time you spend on exercise or reduce the intensity of your workouts.

7. You’re Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Research says that alcohol stimulates hormones that increase appetite. It lowers blood sugar levels and triggers overeating. Alcohol not only increases your appetite but also creates a lot of health hazards. Studies say people who drink more alcohol tend to eat more calories.


How To Protect Yourself From Valley Fever

Everything You Need To Know About Valley Fever
Everything You Need To Know About Valley Fever

Have you heard about Valley Fever? If not, then use this blog to learn some useful information about it. 

According to the statistics, Valley fever cases tripled from 2014–2018, and 2018–2022, with 7,000 and 9,000 cases reported yearly. Valley fever is caused by a fungus named coccidioides, which grows in the soil of places with low rainfall, mild winters, and hot summers. 

Hey, wait! There is much more to know about valley fever. Scroll down and get to know about the symptoms, treatments, and preventive measures. 

What is Valley Fever?

Valley Fever, also known as coccidioidomycosis, is a fungal infection caused by the inhalation of spores from the soil-dwelling fungus, Coccidioides. Both Coccidioides immitis and Coccidioides posadasii cause the infection. 

The report estimated in 2019 that there were 20,003 cases of Valley fever reported. Older people aged over 60  in Arizona and California were highly affected. 

The fever is associated with a range of symptoms, from mild flu-like illness to severe respiratory problems, especially in immunocompromised individuals. Some people who are exposed to the fungus, Coccidioides, do not show any symptoms.

Symptoms of Valley Fever

Symptoms of Valley Fever

Symptoms of valley fever vary widely from person to person. It usually appears weeks to months after infection. Most people don’t even realize that they are infected. However, some people who are exposed experience more severe symptoms for more than a week that can require medical care.

Common symptoms include:

  • High temperature
  • Night sweats
  • Muscle pain and joint aches
  • Rashes
  • Cough
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Loss of appetite

In some cases, the infection can become worse and can turn into chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis. This attacks the lungs and shows symptoms that are similar to tuberculosis. Listed below are some of the commonly reported symptoms of chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis. 

  • Bleeding while coughing
  • Chronic cough
  • Weight loss
  • Pain in the chest
  • Trouble breathing

Diagnosis of Valley Fever

Diagnosis of Valley Fever

Diagnosing valley fever can be quite challenging as it resembles the symptoms of respiratory viruses. So, doctors cannot diagnose just by identifying the symptoms. If the doctor suspects valley fever, a specific diagnostic test will usually be done through a blood test or tissue sample. 

Diagnostic test options include the following:

Blood Tests

These tests help in detecting the antibodies against the fungus. Other tests like PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) urine tests are also available.  

Sputum Smear Tests

To check the presence of coccidioides, a sputum sample is taken directly from the lungs, trachea, or bronchi, and a testing process will done. 

Valley Fever Treatment

Valley Fever Treatment

Treatment may involve antifungal medications in severe cases, but most infections resolve on their own without specific intervention. There are some preventive measures for valley fever that you can follow. Let’s take a look at them.

Self-Care and Monitoring

Individuals experiencing mild symptoms of the fever can just rest and keep themselves hydrated. However, patients are advised to monitor their conditions and seek medical attention if symptoms worsen. 

Antifungal Medications

In moderate to severe cases or for individuals with compromised immune systems, antifungal medications, fluconazole, itraconazole, or amphotericin B are prescribed. The duration of treatment varies depending on the severity of the infection and the patient’s response to the medication.

Follow-Up Care

Patients undergoing antifungal treatment require regular follow-ups with healthcare providers to monitor progress, manage any potential side effects of medications, and adjust treatment as needed.

Supportive Measures

Additional treatments, such as oxygen therapy and respiratory support, may be necessary for severe respiratory cases to help patients manage breathing difficulties.

Must read: Breathing Exercises Can Lower Blood Pressure!

Prevention Measures 

Prevention Measures 

Though valley fever can attack normal people, it can be severe in individuals with weak immune systems, pregnant ladies, and diabetic patients. 

Some of the easy ways to prevent :

  • Avoiding exposure to dust, especially during activities “such as” digging or construction
  • Wearing a mask in dusty conditions helps reduce the risk of inhaling the spores
  • Staying indoors during dust storms
  • Washing hands and clothes regularly if exposure to dust is unavoidable
  • Keeping windows closed and using air conditioning to filter dust
  • Using insect repellent to prevent bites from insects that can carry fungal spores

Putting It Together  

We hope you have come to know that valley fever is a serious fungal infection that can have potentially severe consequences if left untreated. Always remember your health is your top priority. Do contact medical professionals if you suspect any of the symptoms we have discussed.

Happy living!

Oatmeal For Diabetes : Benefits, Nutritional, Dietary Tips

Benefits Of Oatmeal For Diabetes
Benefits Of Oatmeal For Diabetes

People with diabetes experience abnormal blood glucose levels. Fortunately, there are several easy and effective ways to manage diabetes and they don’t require a lot of expense, time, and energy. Oatmeal has several benefits for people with diabetes and it’s also a great breakfast option. Let’s now look at the multiple benefits of oatmeal for diabetes.

Why Oatmeal For Diabetes? 

Many doctors and healthcare professionals recommend oatmeal for diabetic patients. Here are the reasons why they do so!

Oatmeal With Low GI Score 

The glycemic index is a way to estimate how foods cause an increase in blood glucose. Foods with lower glycemic scores are the ideal ones for helping you keep your blood sugar levels stable. Oat foods such as oatmeal and muesli are made up of steel-cut and rolled oats. These foods will typically not raise your blood glucose level as much as the high glycemic foods. 

Benefits of Oatmeal

1. Rich in Fiber

Rich in Fiber

Here’s yet another advantage of oatmeal for diabetes.

 Fiber plays a major role in proper bowel movement, which is important for diabetics. So, they must include lots of fiber in their diets. Oatmeal is rich in fiber content and it also makes you feel full for longer periods.

Adults should take at least 25 to 30 grams of fiber every day, but most adults don’t even come closer to this quantity. 

2. For a Healthy Heart 

Oats to Reduce Bad Cholesterol

People suffering from diabetes need some ways to control other conditions, such as high cholesterol. Oats may help them control diabetes and cholesterol. The beta-glucans present in oats reduce the bad cholesterol level present in the body and it will keep the good cholesterol at the perfect level. 

3. Satisfied Meal 

Here’s another advantage of oatmeal for diabetes. It will keep your stomach satiated for a longer period. So, it will help avoid unnecessary snacking throughout the day. This has a direct impact on weight loss for overweight diabetics.

4. Nutritional Content 

Although there are many ways to prepare oatmeal, the best procedure is stirring oats in boiled water. You just need to cook the oats under medium heat for 5 minutes.

One cup of oats contains the following nutrient and mineral values:

  • Calories: 608
  • Protein: 26 g 
  • Fats: 10 g 
  • Carbohydrates: 82 g
  • Total fibers: 15 g 


  • Iron: 8 mg
  • Magnesium: 188 mg
  • Potassium: 335 mg
  • Calcium: 84 mg 
  • Zinc: 6 mg 

If you are looking for healthy food choices, oats can help keep your diabetes under control.

Dietary Tips 

Oatmeal can be a nutritious addition to your daily diet, but you may find it bland and without flavor. Thankfully, there are a few healthy ways to add some flavor to common oats and make it more enjoyable.

a. Spices


You can add cinnamon to oats. The sweet, smokey flavor of cinnamon makes your oatmeal more delicious

b. Milk

Milk and Oats

Some people add milk to their oats instead of hot water, and it gives the oatmeal a thick consistency and a rich flavor. 

c. Fruits and Nuts 

Berries and oats

Berries, bananas, or crushed nuts can be used to add texture and rich flavor to oatmeal.  

d. Smoothies

Oats smoothie

A lite-cooked oatmeal can be the perfect addition to a smoothie for breakfast. It adds extra thickness and this may help the person feel more satisfied. 

Beware of Allergies

Some people might be allergic to oats that contain gluten. These people must think about taking gluten-free oats.

Consume in Moderation

Oatmeal for diabetes is recommended. However, oatmeal is high in carbohydrates, so people with diabetes should consume it in moderation for a healthy life. Also, people monitoring their blood sugar levels must watch out for the added ingredients in oats.

New Plant-Based Jet Fuel Can Reduce Carbon Emission by 68%

New Plant Based Jet Fuel Can Reduce Carbon Emission By 68%
New Plant Based Jet Fuel Can Reduce Carbon Emission By 68%

An Indian-origin U.S. scientist has developed a plant-based jet fuel from mustard plants to replace aviation jet fuel. Find out it can reduce carbon emissions and save the environment.

What Is Jet Fuel?

Aviation turbine fluid AKA jet fuel is used for running planes and every other aircraft in the world. Airplanes contribute to 12% of the world’s carbon emissions and airports contribute to around 2 % carbon emissions. The U.S. aviation industry is responsible for 2.5% of the world’s COs emissions and for 3.5% of the world’s global warming. 

What Is Jet Fuel Made Of?

Jet fuel is a combination of naphtha, gasoline, or kerosene. These fossil fuels are blended and refined based on specific aircraft varieties.  Kerosene is the globally used type of jet fuel given the ease of availability and cost.

Plant-Based Jet Fuel

The worsening climate shifts have become hazardous with the exhaustion of valuable resources and making land unsuitable to sustain life forms. The UN has decided to take a serious stand on carbon emission and the search for an alternative sustainable aviation fluid (SAF) or a greener replacement for fossil fuels has become the need of the hour.

Mustard-Based Fuel

While most plant-based fuels have disappointed prospective buyers in terms of cost, the new mustard-based fuel has emerged successful. Research published in the GCB Bioenergy has shown that jet fuel made from this crop could break even the life cycle of carbon emitters drastically.

The fuel obtained from the non-edible oils seed plant named Brassica carinata is veiled at USD 0.12-1.28 per liter while the usual SAF or normal petroleum is valued at 0.50 times more inclusive of the economic incentives available on the said purchase.

Southeast Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata or SPARC initiated the 15 Million dollar project funded by the US Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Diwedi, a scientist in the project worked on Carinata for the past 4 years investigating the optimum combination and genetical requirements of the plant to produce a nice yield. 

The current obstacle in bringing this plan into motion is the lack of equipment that is capable of crushing the seeds and processing raw oil into SAF.

Reduce Carbon Emissions

The COP26 (26th Conference of Parties) is a global initiative hosted by the UN to monitor and control several human activities that can damage the environment. The present goal of this conference is to reduce the carbon footprint on the earth.  

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Stop Grinding Teeth With These Home Remedies!

Stop Grinding Teeth With These Home Remedies!
Stop Grinding Teeth With These Home Remedies!

Grinding teeth or bruxism is an unconscious habit most humans have. Find out home remedies to stop clenching teeth before things get serious. 

What is Teeth Grinding?

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is the involuntary clenching, grinding, or gnashing of teeth. It can happen during sleep (nocturnal bruxism) or while awake (awake bruxism). Occasional It is normal and usually doesn’t cause any problems. It can damage your teeth, jaw, and muscles.

Types of Teeth Grinding

I am seeing something. Wait, let me make a guess. You are currently hunched over your screen, your teeth are clenched, and your eyes are squeezed because you are concentrating very hard. Am I right? 

This is how grinding teeth or the bruxism habit sets in. The clenching slowly evolves into continuous clenching and grinding.Katayoun Omrani, an orofacial pain specialist at the Cedars-Sinai Pain Center in Los Angeles, says that there are only two types of bruxism:

Awake Bruxism

What causes awake bruxism? You are awake. You are experiencing nervousness, stress, anxiety, depression, frustration, or anger. You need something to bite to feel safe. There are no pencils or edibles nearby. Therefore, you begin clenching your teeth, biting your tongue or cheeks, or bracing your jaws unconsciously while you are awake. You realize you are doing it yet you are unable to stop it.

Sleep Bruxism

What causes sleep bruxism? A hectic day, disturbed sleep, stimulating substances (smoking, alcohol, and drugs), and irregular sleep patterns can cause sleep bruxism. People clench or grind their teeth hard enough to wake up with a sore jaw in the morning.

Long-term intake of antidepressants and other medications are also factors of teeth grinding. The study published in the Neurology Clinical Practice conducted a systematic review and found grinding teeth to be a side effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). 

What Are the Symptoms of Teeth Grinding?

According to the Mayo Clinic, one out of three adults experience awake bruxism. While one out of ten adults experiences sleep bruxism. The common symptoms of grinding teeth are:

  • Tooth sensitivity even without cavities. (This can be solved only by getting a root canal.)
  • Weak and receding gums.
  • Chipped or flattened teeth.
  • Temporomandibular (TMJ) disorder 
  • Headaches, earaches, facial pain.
  • Sore jaws and neck muscles.
  • Disturbed sleep for your partner and you. (Sleep teeth grinding can be really loud.)

How to stop Grinding Teeth in sleep naturally?

Reduce Stress and Anxiety:

Since stress and anxiety are common triggers for teeth grinding, relaxation techniques can be helpful. Consider:

Meditation or deep breathing exercises: These practices can help calm your mind and body before bed, promoting relaxation throughout the night.
Warm bath or shower: Soaking in warm water can help loosen tight muscles and prepare you for sleep.
Light stretches or yoga: Gentle stretches focusing on the jaw, neck, and shoulders can release tension before bed.

Dietary Adjustments:

Limit caffeine and alcohol: These substances can act as stimulants and worsen teeth grinding. Avoid them, especially in the hours leading up to bedtime.
Avoid hard foods: Chewing on hard candy, nuts, or other crunchy foods can strain your jaw muscles. Opt for softer foods in the evening.
Magnesium intake: Some studies suggest a link between magnesium deficiency and bruxism. Include magnesium-rich foods in your diet like leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Consult a doctor before taking magnesium supplements.

Relaxation Techniques for the Jaw:

A warm compress or ice pack: Applying a warm compress on your jaw muscles before bed can promote relaxation. Alternatively, a cold compress can help reduce pain or inflammation if you’re already experiencing jaw discomfort.
Mouth exercises: Certain jaw exercises can help strengthen and stretch the muscles involved in chewing, potentially reducing tension and teeth grinding.

Sleep Hygiene Practices:

Regular sleep schedule: Going to bed and waking up at consistent times helps regulate your sleep cycle and may reduce teeth grinding.
Create a relaxing bedtime routine: Wind down before bed with calming activities like reading or listening to calming music. Avoid screen time for at least an hour before sleep.
Supportive pillow: A comfortable pillow that properly supports your head and neck can improve sleep quality and potentially reduce teeth grinding.

How to Stop Grinding Teeth?

Treatment for awake bruxism is simple:

  • Remind yourself from time to time to stop clenching your teeth.
  • Ask people to notify you if they see you grinding your teeth.
  • Learn to manage your stress, anger, depression, or any other triggers leading to teeth clenching.
  • Avoid smoking, and consuming alcohol or drugs.
  • Change your diet if foods trigger teeth clenching.

Treatment for sleep bruxism is tricky because people are usually unaware of the condition until the damage is done. Here are a few tips you could follow if you suspect sleep teeth grinding:

  • Wear bite splints or night guards to sleep.
  • Exercise, meditate, or do yoga to relax.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol, drugs, or smoking right before bed.
  • Create a healthy sleep cycle.
  • Massage facial muscles, neck, and shoulders before going to bed.

If nothing works, get professional help immediately. Doctors usually prescribe muscle relaxants, sleeping pills, or any other medication to prevent bruxism. They can also insist you lay off or swap medications if they suspect bruxism as a side effect.

The bottom line is there is no permanent cure for bruxism. Treatments are only for reducing the pain and further complications.

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