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Here’s What You Didn’t Know About Stretching

Here’s What You Didn’t Know About Stretching
Here’s What You Didn’t Know About Stretching

Stretching includes gentle movement of the soft tissues. You can increase the range of motion in your joints and the flexibility of your muscles through this exercise. Stretching makes the body more flexible, which improves our ability to move and reduces the risk of injury. Continue reading to know about stretching and the benefits of stretching. 

Benefits of Stretching

  • Makes you more flexible
  • Improves posture
  • Expands the range of motion
  • Enhances athletic strength
  • Promotes the flow of blood to the muscles
  • Relaxes the muscles
  • Lessens the risk of back discomfort
  • Avoid injuries when working out
  • Great for relieving stress
  • Relaxes the mind

Types of stretching

  • Dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretchings are warm-up exercises that should be done before doing intense workouts. The goal is to loosen up your muscles and body in preparation for vigorous workout. The finest example of beginner’s stretching is a knee stretch before a run.

  • Static stretching

Although this kind of stretching can be done at any time, it should never be done right after eating. The duration of this kind of stretching ranges from 20 to 60 seconds. This is typically done following an intense workout, a lengthy bike ride, or any other activity. Backbends and side bends are two examples of this kind of stretching. Your muscles will be more relaxed, improving your posture.

  • Passive stretching

This kind of stretching involves applying pressure to your body from an outside force, such as a band or a person, in order to help you stretch. It strengthens range of motion, mobility, and muscle development while also promoting muscle growth.

  • Ballistic stretching

This is a common stretching method that is typically used by athletes like football or basketball players, dancers, and martial artists. Your muscles’ natural range of motion is surpassed by ballistic stretching. By requiring more force, this intense activity stretches the muscles and tendons over a greater range of motion.

About Myths, Facts, and Beginner’s Stretches

  • There is a misconception that stretching is a painful exercise. This is untrue in every way. Stretching is not a painful process, and if it is, your body is signaling you to stop stretching. Although stretching could feel uncomfortable, it should never be painful.
  • Muscle growth cannot be induced by stretching. It might help to strengthen and flex your muscles. For instance, it could be tough for you to touch your toes without bending your knees, but with enough training, you will ultimately be able to accomplish it without any difficulty. Stretching also benefits from this exact principle. You will ultimately notice an improvement in mobility after practicing stretching for a while.
  • For beginners, stretching should be introduced gradually and performed slowly. The golden rule for stretching is to begin with the fewest possible stretches for the shortest span of time each day. Never stretch vigorously right away because it could cause muscle cramps. Always set aside a certain time for stretching, such as right after waking up or prior to hitting the gym. Stretching exercises for beginners include the quadriceps, hamstrings, inner thighs, lats, traps, and spine stretches, which can be performed either standing or sitting.

Hope this blog on the importance of stretching is informative and helpful. 



Everything You Need To Know About Fertility And Pregnancy In Cancer Survivors

Everything You Need To Know About Fertility And Pregnancy In Cancer Survivors
Everything You Need To Know About Fertility And Pregnancy In Cancer Survivors

Fertility and pregnancy in cancer survivors

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in females. In the United States, about 264,000 breast cancer cases are diagnosed in women. A recent study found that women who have had breast cancer can stop taking their hormone-blocking drugs for two years in order to become pregnant without increasing their risk of the cancer relapsing. Read along to know about treating breast cancer during pregnancy and Is pregnancy possible after breast cancer.

Relationship between breast cancer and female hormones

Breast cancer tumor cells have a close relationship with female reproductive hormones. The two key hormones in females, estrogen and progesterone, are in charge of a woman’s ability to become pregnant. The hormone receptor is detected in about two out of every three cases of breast cancer. When estrogen or progesterone are involved, the tumor cells tend to develop. Breast cancers that are estrogen receptor positive (ER+) or progesterone receptor positive (PR+) can be treated surgically and with hormone-blocking drugs for the next five to ten years. 

The short-term rate of breast cancer recurrence was nearly the same for women who stopped their hormone therapy to get pregnant, according to research presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Continue reading to know about pregnancy and breastfeeding after breast cancer and Are Cancer Survivors high risk pregnancy?

A gist of breast cancer signs and symptoms

Understanding how our breasts typically appear and feel is important for us. For women of all ages, breast cancer has now become common. It was assumed that women over the age of 40 were more likely to develop breast cancer. It is vital to know that anyone who is between their 20s to 40s can still get breast cancer. Hence, it is usually advised to get a routine breast screening exam. The typical signs of breast cancer are listed below.

  • A new, painless lump that is typically shaped oddly and located in the breast, collarbone, or armpit
  • Swelling, thickening, or roughening of a portion of the breast
  • Nipple discharge, different from breast milk
  • Skin texture change, where the skin becomes flaky and red in the breast or nipple
  • The location of the nipple would shift, turning inward

Is pregnancy possible after breast cancer?

After breast cancer, pregnancy is possible. However fertility and pregnancy in cancer survivors differ and depend on a person’s age, fertility status, and results of hormone testing for things like FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). This determines whether a person has experienced menopause, and AMH (anti-mullerian hormone), revealing how well their ovaries are functioning. 

Due to chemotherapy and other cancer treatments, menopause often comes early for many women. Many medical professionals advise women to delay pregnancy planning for at least two years. This is because it may reduce the possibility of a cancer relapse. Women who are receiving hormone therapy may become pregnant while on break from the procedure and then continue the therapy after giving birth. 

Hope this blog on pregnancy and breastfeeding after breast cancer is helpful and informative. 



Here’s What You Need to Know About Mewing

Here’s What You Need To Know About Mewing
Here’s What You Need To Know About Mewing

Social media these days have the ability to reshape things people believe. From mere rumors to health beliefs, the internet has the power to make anything a sensation. One such sensation is mewing. In recent days, the process has received a lot of attention from the public with a good amount of people wondering if this is even true or safe to practice. 

What is mewing?

Mewing is a jaw development process through your tongue placement that claims to enhance the look of your jaw structure. British orthodontists John Mew and his son Michael Mew promoted the “orthotropics” technique that would change people’s jaw shape, enhancing it.

How to mew?

One can follow these steps to practice mewing:

  • Relax your mouth and close your lips
  • Keep your lips sealed and teeth in contact
  • Lift your tongue to the roof of your mouth and press against it
  • Follow these steps regularly everyday

This technique can entirely change the resting position of your tongue in the mouth. Dr. Mew claims that mewing can redefine your jaw structure and enhance its features, making the process an internet sensation. 

Is mewing effective?

The benefits of mewing claim to be an effective technique to reshape the face structure. The process is said to particularly enhance the midfacial area and obtain an attractive jawline. 

Is mewing effective? Despite its popularity and wide support on social media platforms, mewing has still not claimed to serve any benefits mentioned. There is no research or studies that say this process is indeed effective. Also, experts say the practice does not provide any permanent change to change your jaw structure or strengthen the same.

Can mewing ruin your face?

Despite disapproving of mewing as an effective exercise, experts say the process does not particularly affect or ruin the existing facial features. Mewing can change your tongue’s usual position but it is not proven to cause any permanent damage or change in the same. The same goes for teeth as mewing does not have any sort of effect on the mouth or its parts.

Tips to enhance your jawline

You can undergo exercises to obtain a well-defined jawline as mewing is not an efficient one. Some of the tips and exercises to follow for an enhanced jawline are:

Jaw exercises

Undergoing jaw-related exercises can activate the relaxing muscles which contribute to enhancing the jawline. Exercises like neck curl-up, collar bone backup, tongue twister, vowel sounds, and chin-up exercises are some of the effective methods that can enhance the jawline.

Massage your facial muscles

A gentle massage for your face muscles improves circulation. Rubbing the face with an ice cube can tighten the skin and the pores.

Mewing is neither an effective nor proven method to improve jaw structure. It is advisable to opt for other practices or techniques if you intend to strengthen or enhance your jawline.

Everything You Need To Know About Measles

Everything You Need To Know About Measles
Everything You Need To Know About Measles

Measles, also known as rubeola, is a respiratory tract viral infection that is highly contagious. The virus spreads through direct contact with the infected person or through the air and can cause serious health complications and can be fatal at times. 

The measles virus is highly contagious and a person who is affected with the virus will start experiencing symptoms after ten to fourteen days of being exposed to the virus. So an infected person can spread the virus unknowingly. It is estimated that an infected person can spread the virus to nine in ten people and the virus is said to be present in the air for around two to four hours in the place or room where the infected person was present. Read along to know about measles causes and treatment and measles prevention.

What are symptoms of measles?

  • High temperature
  • Persistent dry cough
  • Running nose
  • Throat pain
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Red spots on the face, thighs, and behind the ears.

The symptoms will start developing in the people only after ten to fourteen days of being infected. The infected person will experience low fever with throat pain and conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is inflammation or an infection in the eyes that turns the white part of your eyeball to red. Small red spots start as a rash first on the face of the infected person. Gradually the rash spreads to the arms, chest, back, thighs, legs, and feet. It becomes difficult by the time the rash appears and the fever also increases to a high temperature of 104 to 105 F. 

Treatment for the causes of measles virus 

Prevention is always better than cure. To avoid contact with the virus, the measles vaccine is a must take shot for adults, children, and infants. People who are diagnosed with the disease will be given a post-exposure vaccine after 72 hours of being affected by the virus. This will reduce the effect of symptoms on the infected people. People with a weaker immune system such as infants and expecting mothers who are affected by the virus will be treated with immune serum globulin by a healthcare provider. 

What to do when you have measles?

  • Rest is an important factor that needs to be given priority. Free yourself from busy activities and give enough rest to your body. 
  • Drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated. Avoid carbonated beverages and opt for healthy ones like fruit juices. 
  • Give rest to your eyes as eye inflammation can cause pain and irritation. Avoid being exposed to bright lights, reading, watching television, or using electronic devices which can cause strain to your eyes. 

Difference between measles and chicken pox

Measles and chickenpox are frequently confused by people. Despite the fact that both viruses are members of the same family, the two diseases are very distinct. Rash development in both conditions is the cause of this misconception. However, measles typically appears as flat, red spots without any fluid inside, whereas chicken pox rashes are itchy blisters packed with fluid.

What Are the Risks of Eating Raw Oysters?

Raw oysters
What Are The Risks Of Eating Raw Oysters?

Can you Eat Oysters Raw?

Yes, you can eat oysters raw. In fact, raw oysters are a popular delicacy and are enjoyed by many people around the world. When consumed raw, oysters have a unique taste and texture that some people find enjoyable.
However, there are a few important considerations when eating raw oysters:

  1. Freshness: It is crucial to ensure that the oysters are fresh. Oysters should be alive when consumed raw, and they should be purchased from reputable sources known for their seafood quality. Fresh oysters have tightly closed shells or will close their shells tightly when tapped, indicating that they are still alive.
  2. Shucking: Oysters have a hard shell that needs to be opened before eating. Shucking oysters requires some skill and the right tools, such as an oyster knife. It is recommended to have someone experienced in shucking oysters do it for you or to seek proper guidance if you’re doing it yourself for the first time.
  3. Food Safety: Raw oysters carry a risk of foodborne illnesses, particularly from bacteria called Vibrio vulnificus or Vibrio parahaemolyticus. These bacteria are naturally present in coastal waters where oysters are harvested. To minimize the risk, it is advisable to consume oysters from reliable sources that follow proper handling, storage, and transportation practices. It is also recommended to avoid consuming raw oysters if you have a compromised immune system or if you are pregnant.
  4. Condiments: Raw oysters are often served with condiments like lemon wedges, cocktail sauce, mignonette sauce, or hot sauce. These accompaniments can enhance the flavor of the oysters and complement their natural brininess.

It’s important to note that while raw oysters are enjoyed by many, they may not be to everyone’s liking. Some people find the texture or taste of raw oysters off-putting.

What is inside an oyster?

Oysters are shellfish that are soft and slimy. They taste like the ocean. This is mainly because oysters are usually found in marine or brackish waters. These waters expose oysters to a lot.


Oysters can be exposed to natural bacteria in the water they live. These bacteria do not affect them but the humans who consume them.


Having a shell does not make oysters immune to parasites in water. Consuming raw oysters also means consuming an unknown parasite in them.


The water from which the oyster gets harvested may be infected with viruses from the feces of humans or animals. 


Apart from all this, oysters can be contaminated by the person handling their harvesting if using unclean hands.

All these factors can lead to raw oysters’ health risks.

Can Pregnant Women Eat Raw Oysters

When it comes to consuming raw oysters, it is generally recommended that pregnant women avoid them due to the potential risk of foodborne illnesses. Raw oysters may harbor bacteria like Vibrio vulnificus or Vibrio parahaemolyticus, which can lead to infections.

Pregnant women, as well as individuals with compromised immune systems, are more vulnerable to these bacterial infections and their potential complications. Therefore, to minimize the risk, it is advisable for pregnant women to refrain from eating raw oysters.

However, it’s essential to note that thoroughly cooked oysters are considered safe for consumption during pregnancy. Cooking oysters to an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C) can help eliminate harmful bacteria and reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. Consequently, pregnant women can enjoy oysters that have been properly cooked, such as grilled, steamed, or fried oysters.

If you’re pregnant and have a craving for oysters, it is recommended to consult with your healthcare provider or obstetrician for personalized advice. They can provide specific recommendations based on your individual circumstances and health history, taking into account any potential risks or concerns.

It’s important to prioritize the health and well-being of both you and your baby during pregnancy, and following professional medical advice is crucial in making informed decisions about your diet and nutrition.

Who should not eat raw oysters?

People with great immune systems rarely face health risks from eating raw oysters. But it is not the same case for others. Consuming raw oysters cause serious illness and in some cases, even death in people with the following health conditions.

  • Liver disease
  • Alcoholism
  • Diabetes
  • HIV 
  • Cancer, specifically lymphoma, leukemia, and Hodgkin’s disease
  • Achlorhydria
  • Hemochromatosis/hemosiderosis
  • Chronic bowel and stomach diseases
  • Steroid dependency
  • Anyone who is immunocompromised

How to Eat Raw Oysters Safely

To safely consume raw oysters, follow these guidelines:

  1. Purchase from reputable sources: Choose oysters from trusted suppliers to ensure they are fresh and properly handled.
  2. Check for freshness: Look for tightly closed shells or ones that close when tapped. Avoid oysters with cracked or open shells.
  3. Keep them cold: Store oysters on ice or in a refrigerator at temperatures below 40°F (4°C) until ready to eat.
  4. Clean and shuck carefully: Scrub the shells with a brush under running water to remove dirt. Use a sturdy knife to open the oysters, taking care to avoid injury.
  5. Discard any oysters that don’t open: If an oyster doesn’t open during cooking, discard it as it may not be safe to consume.
  6. Serve immediately: Enjoy raw oysters immediately after shucking. Keep them chilled on a bed of ice and consume them within a day.
  7. Avoid high-risk groups: Pregnant women, individuals with compromised immune systems, and the elderly should avoid consuming raw oysters.
  8. Be aware of allergies: Some people may be allergic to oysters or shellfish. Watch for any signs of allergic reactions and seek medical help if needed.

Remember, consuming raw oysters carries inherent risks, so it’s essential to make informed choices and prioritize your safety.

How to Make Raw Oysters at Home

Making raw oysters at home requires careful preparation and handling to ensure safety. Follow these detailed guidelines:

  1. Purchase fresh oysters: Buy live oysters from reputable seafood markets or suppliers. Look for tightly closed shells that feel heavy for their size.
  2. Store properly: Keep the oysters refrigerated at temperatures below 40°F (4°C). Place them in a bowl or container covered with a damp cloth or wet paper towels to maintain moisture.
  3. Clean the oysters: Before shucking, rinse the oysters under cold running water to remove any dirt or debris on the shells. Use a brush to scrub gently.
  4. Prepare for shucking: Use an oyster knife or a sturdy, pointed knife specifically designed for shucking. Hold the oyster firmly, flat side up, using a towel or an oyster glove to protect your hand.
  5. Shuck the oysters: Insert the knife into the hinge of the oyster, applying gentle pressure and twisting the knife to pry the shell open. Slide the knife along the top shell to separate it from the bottom. Discard the top shell.
  6. Detach the oyster: Carefully detach the oyster from the bottom shell using the knife, being cautious not to spill the natural juices (liquor) within. Leave the oyster in the deeper half of the shell.
  7. Serve on ice: Arrange the shucked oysters on a bed of crushed ice or rock salt to keep them chilled. This helps maintain their freshness and flavor.
  8. Garnish and enjoy: Serve raw oysters with traditional accompaniments like lemon wedges, mignonette sauce, cocktail sauce, or hot sauce. Alternatively, enjoy them plain to savor their natural taste.
  9. Consume immediately: Raw oysters are best enjoyed immediately after shucking to ensure optimal freshness. Discard any oysters that don’t open during shucking.

Remember to practice safe food handling, maintain cleanliness, and follow local health guidelines when preparing and consuming raw oysters at home.

How to avoid it?

It is a myth that adding lime juice, salt, or Tabasco sauce to raw oysters will kill any harmful bacteria in them. Only cooking oysters in boiling water will kill the disease-causing bacteria in them. Therefore, always prefer cooked oysters over raw oysters. 

Experts say that summer months are the most suitable for the disease-causing bacteria to survive in water. Hence infections from consuming raw oysters are high during this season. Avoid eating raw oysters during the summer.

Finally, is it safe to eat raw oysters?

People who are immunocompromised/ have a weak immune system should steer clear of eating raw oysters. Your body’s immunity decides the raw oyster health risks you may face. If you are facing any of the above symptoms from consuming raw oysters, kindly consult your doctor immediately.

Myths and Facts Related to Lung Cancer

Myths And Facts Related To Lung Cancer
Myths And Facts Related To Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is one the most common types of cancer that occurs globally. There are several reasons for one to develop lung cancer, along with several myths. Here are some myths and facts about lung cancer that need to be burst. 

Smoking tobacco is the sole reason

Although smoking is one of the causes of lung cancer, it is not the only factor in the development of lung cancer. Non-smokers and passive smokers, who inhale secondhand smoke while not smoking themselves, have been linked to lung cancer cases. Exposure to asbestos, diesel fumes, arsenic, radiation, and radon gas can also lead to lung cancer. 

There are beliefs that only smoking tobacco leads to cancer, but cannabis does not lead to cancer is also a myth. But, cutting down or quitting smoking can be an effective method for the prevention of lung cancer. 

Lung cancer is terminal

Lung cancer is considered a terminal condition, and there are no cures for it. Fortunately, that is not the case with advancing medical treatments. Depending on the stage of cancer of the individual, treatments ranging from medication, radiation therapy, and surgeries can help combat lung cancer. 

Pollution and smoking comparison

The risk of lung cancer can increase when breathing in pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Smoking can definitely be a factor triggering lung cancer, but there is no proof that one of the causes of lung cancer is more hazardous than the other. The combination of the two can be worse, according to medical experts.

Older people are more prone

The majority of lung cancer patients are aged 65 and above. But this does not mean only older people get affected. Younger generations are also prone to it. There are records of people under 50 falling prey to lung cancer. The younger generations are prone to lung conditions like cancer due to several reasons. Living conditions and daily habits are a few of them..

Quitting cannot prevent

People believe the damage once done is done, and there is no point in quitting smoking. If one has been smoking for years and decides to bring the habit to a halt, it will help reduce further inflammation and damage to the lungs. 

Men are mostly prone

The rate of men affected by lung cancer is slightly higher, but women also develop lung cancer. Even women who don’t smoke develop the condition. The difference in the risk ratio is about 1 in 15 men and 1 in 17 women. It is essential to have awareness, despite gender. 

The same treatment for anybody with lung cancer

Lung cancer can be of two types: 

  • Non-small cell lung cancer: It is the most common type of cancer that grows and spreads slowly, and small cell lung cancer. 
  • Small cell lung cancer: This type of cancer is not as common but spreads quickly, making it difficult to treat. 

The treatment of lung cancer varies from one type to the other. It will also vary with the stage of cancer, which will determine the level at which the disease has spread. Therapies from radiation, chemo, and surgeries where the tumor is removed, a part of the lung, or the entire organ are removed considering the mentioned factors. 

This blog hopes to bring awareness among people about the myths associated with the causes of lung cancer and the condition in general. Visit a doctor immediately if you find any abnormalities. 

Plastic in our food? All about microplastics

Plastic In Our Food? All About Microplastics
Plastic In Our Food? All About Microplastics

The human race has created a lot of plastic which in turn piles waste, contributing to pollution. The environment that had impacts from the production of plastic waste indirectly affected the human race. Now, our actions are getting back to us with stronger effects, affecting not just the human race but all other species with microplastic effects. 

What are microplastics?

Microplastics, as the term suggests, are extremely tiny plastic particles smaller than 5mm. There are two types of microplastics: primary microplastics, manufactured as tiny particles like the microbeads used in cosmetic items, and secondary microplastics, broken down into smaller particles from products like plastic bottles, covers, fabrics (synthetic material and not natural fibers) over time. The ultraviolet rays from the sun contribute majorly to plastic breaking down. 

How do we consume microplastics?

We consume microplastics in several ways. Seafood is one of the means that carry microplastics into our digestive system. The oceans globally are polluted and dumped with plastics. Microplastics in the ocean get ingested by sea life like fish, clams, mussels, oysters, and scallops. In turn, we consume these creatures along with the microplastics in them.

Seafood is just one of the forms. There are even chances of breathing in microplastics or consuming them as drinks and other edible items, like honey, beer, and bottled water. The food packaged in plastic containers will flake minute particles, and there are chances of these entering our bodies. 

Microplastics in food- health risks

Consuming microplastics makes our bodies face neurotoxicity. This interrupts our metabolism and in the long run, might even turn carcinogenic. Microplastics can accumulate in the system and obstruct the gastrointestinal tract. It can eventually lead to the individual feeling less hungry, consuming less food, and even lead to starvation.

How to avoid microplastics in food?

Following a few ways, one can avoid microplastic effects and the substance getting into our bodies to some extent. 

  • Avoid plastic containers and cutleries for consuming food. It will reduce the level of fragments that directly enter. It will help in reducing the risks of microplastics in food packaging.
  • Avoid or reduce consuming mollusks, as they have the highest rate of microplastics compared to any seafood. 
  • Filter the water you drink thoroughly and reduce the direct consumption of liquids from plastic bottles.
  • Avoid storing provisions in plastic containers. Instead, switch to glass or metal containers to store them and keep them away from any toxins. 
  • Do not microwave in plastic containers. Also, reduce the consumption of microwavable meals. Those meals are usually packed in plastic containers, and the plastic that is already hazardous when exposed to the waves can be even more harmful. 
  • Avoid consuming processed foods, as the process of making and the factory procedures might leave microplastic residues on a higher level. 
  • Minimize the use of synthetic fabrics, as those can contribute more to the pile of pollution created, that in turn contribute to microplastics.
  • Dust and vacuum your surroundings to get rid of the microplastics in and around you. The fabrics that are used to clean/dust around can also leave a microplastic residue. Vacuuming is an effective way to get rid of it. 

This blog hopes to bring awareness about microplastics in food. Kindly remember to take the minute steps that can collectively lead to a revolution. Let us be aware of the microplastic effects and stop the exploitation and blunders the human race has caused. 

Significant Role of Seasonal and Local Food in your Health & Wealth

Different types of vegetables
Significant Role Of Seasonal And Local Food In Your Health & Wealth

Eating local and seasonal foods provides a wide range of benefits to one’s health, economy, and environment. But insufficient food supply and climate changes make people import food from other countries which are far away. Certain vegetables are common all over the world and people prefer cooking the same all year round. This leads to high demand for the same type of vegetables and little or no necessity for other food crops. The low demand for local foods will indirectly affect the farmers, and the same crop may not be planted the next year, directing people to lose seasonal food. 

Eating seasonal food benefits sound health and you will get the natural flavor and nutrition of the food directly from the farm without human intervention. Read more to know the significance of local and seasonal foods and their benefits.

Seasonal food

Different seasons—summer, fall, winter, and spring—produce a variety of foods based on climatic and geographic conditions. These types of food are called seasonal foods. One can obtain seasonal foods either locally or globally. 

Local food

According to the US Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, foods that are grown locally or regionally within 400 miles of distance are considered the local food of that region. The best choice is to eat seasonal foods obtained from your location to obtain complete nutrition in a cheaper way. 

Today, a particular food has to travel an average of 1,500 miles before it reaches a plate. This would add more economic and ecological difficulties to the human population. So, whenever there is a chance to consume locally grown seasonal food, use it as there are more benefits.

5 benefits of eating local and seasonal food

Provide nutritional balance

Local and seasonal foods can help one consume a variety of crops, vegetables, and fruits. This helps an individual acquire all types of nutrition within a year. One can obtain carbohydrates, proteins, and fats from many common food sources. But certain vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients are available only in some plant and animal sources. The UN Food and Agricultural Organization also confirmed that food diversity is essential to curb micronutrient deficiencies. 

Better flavor and taste

Locally grown vegetables and fruits have a unique flavor, taste, and nutritional value, compared to the ones that are imported. When you eat local and seasonal food, you can feel connected with that food.

Supports the local community

Instead of spending more on buying your favorite veggie which is non-seasonal and far from your region, support your local community by buying vegetables and fruits from a farmer in your area. This way both the farmer and the consumer get benefitted.

Lower cost

Local and seasonal food prices are lower than the imported produce. It is because of the transportation and maintenance costs for those products before they reach the market. 

Helps follow a sustainable diet

Eating local and seasonal foods helps protect the environment in many ways. The food distributor needn’t spend large amounts of money buying chemicals, antibiotics, and other supplements to maintain the freshness of the foodstuffs. This way one can bring a sustainable food diet into your daily life.

Drawbacks of seasonal foods

On comparing the advantages and disadvantages of seasonal foods, there are certain cons.

  • Seasonal foods can’t be obtained in other seasons except for a particular period of time. One has to wait for the next year to relish the taste. 
  • Importing costs are high. For example, if you can’t get Brussels sprouts in your area, you can get them from other countries. But this would cost more.

Bottom Line

Get a seasonal food guide from your nutritionist or dietician to experience the diverse flavors and tastes. This would help you eat healthier and tastier with less investment.

What a ‘Tripledemic’ Means for Your Body?

Busy hospital emergency room (ER)
What A ‘tripledemic’ Means For Your Body?

Tripledemic is not a medical term, but it has recently raised concerns from health officials. Doctors and public health officials are expecting it to occur this winter. Young children, older adults, pregnant women, and immunocompromised people are the most affected by the tripledemic viruses.

What is a tripledemic?

There is no origin for the term tripledemic. Doctors and journalists use it to address the rising level of hospitalizations due to three viruses.

Tripledemic facts

The term tripledemic describes the collision of three different respiratory viruses to create an epidemic that might overwhelm hospital emergency departments. The tripledemic viruses are:

  • RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
  • Influenza (Flu)
  • COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease)

Similarities between RSV, Flu, and COVID-19

These three viruses:

  • Have common symptoms
  • Affect the respiratory system
  • Are contagious
  • May cause mild to severe illness

Tripledemic symptoms

Fever or feeling feverish/ having chills are their common symptoms, according to public health experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Apart from that, here are a few:

  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue (tiredness)
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle pain or body aches
  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea (more frequent in children with flu, but can occur in any age with COVID-19)
  • Change in or loss of taste or smell, although this is more frequent with COVID-19.

How do the tripledemic viruses spread

RSV, Flu, and COVID-19 are all respiratory viruses, but they have differences in how they spread.

  • RSV spreads through coming into contact with contaminated surfaces.
  • Flu can spread from respiratory droplets, aerosols, and through contaminated surfaces.
  • COVID-19 spreads from sneezing, coughing, and expelling respiratory droplets and aerosols.

How to prevent yourself from the tripledemic viruses

The obvious and best prevention advice for all three illnesses is to avoid others who are sick. Here are individual efforts you can make for yourself and your beloved ones to prevent from the tripledemic viruses.

1) RSV

CDC recommends these tips for preventing RSV: 

  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your upper shirt sleeve, not your hands.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid close contact, such as kissing, shaking hands, and sharing cups and eating utensils with others.
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, mobile phones, and other devices.

2) Flu

  • Public health experts suggest getting a flu shot.
  • You can also take flu antiviral drugs prescribed by your doctor.

3) COVID-19

  • Handwashing and cleaning surfaces.
  • Getting vaccinated with the current bivalent booster. This will help prevent the most severe COVID-19 sickness.

The tripledemic viruses must be given immediate medical attention if young children, older adults, pregnant women, or immunocompromised people get them. Masks, washing hands often, and staying away from crowded places are a must for all tripledemic patients.

Kindly consult your doctor before taking any medication, shots, and treatment for Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Influenza, and COVID-19.

What Makes You a Mosquito Magnet

Micro shot of a mosquito biting a person.
What Makes You A Mosquito Magnet

Ever wonder why you or someone you know is always a feast for mosquitoes at the picnic, camping, and other outdoor activities? Researchers at Rockefeller University in New York have some answers. It involves everything with people’s body odor.

Mosquito magnet myths

Many myths explain why some people get bitten more by mosquitoes and others don’t. Blood type, blood sugar levels, being a woman or child, and consuming garlic and bananas are a few such popular myths. There is no empirical or scientific evidence for them, and yet, over time these myths have become widely circulated pseudoscience theories. If you are wondering what to believe when it comes to being a mosquito magnet person, here is what a recent study has to say. 

What’s a mosquito magnet?

Mosquitoes find some people more attractive than others. These people are called mosquito magnets. The attractiveness level here has nothing to do with your physical appearance and everything to do with the way you smell. The new study reveals that mosquitoes get attracted to certain body odors more than others. These body odors tend to have an abundance of skin-associated carboxylic acids.

Body odors and mosquito magnets

The human body odor is a blend of many organic compounds. It gets produced by the skin microbiota. These are healthy bacteria that live on the skin, particularly in the superficial layers of the epidermis and upper parts of hair follicles. Skin microbiota eat up the fatty acids emanating from the skin and produce body odor

The study says that a mosquito magnet person produces more skin-associated carboxylic acids. The microbiota consumes these acids and produces body odors that mosquitoes get attracted towards.

The mosquito magnet study

64 volunteers from the Rockefeller University and surrounding areas participated in the study. Researchers used the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which spreads diseases like yellow fever, zika, and dengue, for this study. 

Volunteers had to wear nylon stockings around their forearms to pick up their skin smells. Each stocking was then separately placed in a long tube. About 20 female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were released into the tube and observed.

Compounds of the stockings that attracted the most mosquitoes were then analyzed. These contained elevated levels of carboxylic acids. Thus yielding the finding that, mosquitoes are attracted to humans who produce more carboxylic acids in their skin. 

Benefits of research on mosquito magnets

Researchers of the study claim that finding out what in a human attracts mosquitoes the most has important public health implications. The findings can help design solutions that make people less attractive to mosquitoes. One such solution is skin microbiota manipulation.

Understanding what makes someone a mosquito magnet will help in the effective deployment of medical resources and preventive measures to combat the spread of mosquito-borne diseases like yellow fever, Zika, and dengue.


However, more research among large groups of people is required in this area. Recent studies have demonstrated that malaria infection enhances human attractiveness to mosquitoes by altering the chemistry of human skin odor, leading to greater pathogen transmission.

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