The heart pumps oxygen and blood around the body and it works harder than the other organs. No one can live without a heart. That’s why, you must take care of this life-sustaining organ in your body. So, why not spend time learning more facts about the heart? Let’s delve into it. 

Interesting Facts About the Heart 


Do you know? The heart of a blue whale is five feet long, four feet wide, and five feet tall. Then, what about the human heart? It is around 12 cm in length, 8.5 cm in width, and 6 cm in thickness. Here are some other surprising facts about the heart you must know: 

  1. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the primary cause of death in the United States is heart disease. And that is why health advisors and doctors tell you to eat food that improves heart health. 
  2. Your heart beats around 100,000 times per day. Do you want to check it now? Place your index and middle finger on the inside of your wrist near the base of your thumb to feel the pulse.
  3. The human heart weighs between 7 ounces and 15 ounces or below a pound. The heart of males weighs more compared to females. 
  4. The heartbeat of women is faster than that of men. They have a heartbeat of around 78 because their hearts are smaller in size. 
  5. The heartbeat sound ‘lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub’ is due to the clap of valve leaflets closing and opening. 
  6. A normal human heart is about the size of a half dollar. 
  7. Do you know how many liters of blood the heart pumps out? It is around 5.7 liters of blood each minute. So, even if you donate your blood, your heart can easily refill them.
  8. What about the heartbeat of Newborn babies? They have 70 to 190 beats per minute.
  9. An adult-sized heart shaped like the size of two hands held together. However, a child’s heart is about the size of a single fist. 
  10. Who will experience the slowest heart rate? Training Athletes have a slow heart rate of 40-60 beats per minute. 
  11. The heart is located in the front of your chest and left of the breastbone. Your ribs ensure extra protection for the heart. 
  12. The average adult has a resting rate between 60 and 100 beats per minute. There are a lot of mobile phone applications to check the same. Have you tried them yet?
  13. In one cardiac cycle, the relaxing and contracting of your heart muscle known as beat takes less than a second. 
  14. Your left lung is smaller than your right to make room for your heart. 
  15. A heart pumps roughly 4 tablespoons of blood per beat. 
  16. If the blood entering the heart is purplish blue, it does not have enough oxygen. 
  17. When the blood existing in the heart is red, it contains the right supply of oxygen
  18. Your heart acts as a coordinated machine. The right side of your heart pumps blood from the body to the lungs and the left side pumps deoxygenated blood to the body. 
  19. Each cell in your body gets blood from the heart, except your cornea. 
  20. The rhythm of your heart is controlled by an electrical system called the cardiac conduction system. 
  21. Your heart will continue to beat once separated from the body as long as it has an oxygen supply. That’s how heart transplant works.
  22. Heart disease is the primary cause of death globally. You can manage the risk of heart disease through regular exercise, dietary choices, and stress management. 


  1. The first open heart surgery happened in 1893. That was done by Daniel Hale Williams.
  2. Some heart problems can be inherited and you can minimize their impact by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol through a healthy lifestyle. 
  3. The first pacemaker implantation took place in 1958. Arne Larsson received this pacemaker that lives longer than the surgeon predicted. 
  4. Runners have a 45% lower risk of stroke and heart disease. 
  5. The first transplant of the human heart was performed by Christian Barnard. 
  6. Most heart attacks happen on Mondays. 
  7. Women and men have different heart attack symptoms. 
  8. Most cardiac deaths occur on Christmas day. 
  9. Evidence of heart disease was identified in 3000-year-old mummies. 
  10. Happiness can decrease the risk of heart disease. 


  1. Broken heart syndrome is an emotionally driven condition that can weaken your heart muscle temporarily. 
  2. Heart cancer is very rare because heart cells stop dividing in adulthood. 
  3. Prolonged sitting is the primary risk factor for heart disease. So, you can spend some time exercising to lessen your sitting time. 
  4. The iconic heart shape is a symbol of love. 
  5. Healthcare providers use a stethoscope to listen to the heart rate. 


  1. The fairy fly has the smallest heart compared to other creatures. 
  2. Do you know the stats of open-heart surgery? There are 2 million people around the world who undergo this surgery each year. 
  3. Shockingly, heart attacks can happen without any pain. So, if you are diabetic or over 40 years old, consult your doctor periodically. Heart attacks can appear without any pain. 

Your diet, emotional well-being, and lifestyle can affect your heart. Physical and mental health are necessary for maintaining a healthy heart.