“Plant protein vs red meat” is a debate that hasn’t been concluded for ages. While one set of researchers and scientists suggest that protein content in meat is extremely beneficial to the body, there are other dieticians who recommend plant based protein compared to animal based protein. However, once again, reports from recent research have strong facts that support plant proteins rather than their animal based counterparts.
Plants Are Loaded With Fiber
One of the major nutrients that you can hardly get in red meat or other poultry is fiber. Fiber is extremely important to burn away extra fat and calories. It also reduces the blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. There is no way one could get the required fiber by eating animal meat. The lack of fiber has been stated as one of the reasons why plant based diets are recommended over animal protein.
Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases With Plant Based Foods
It’s no news that increased consumption of red meat can lead to storage of fat in the blood vessels leading to cardiovascular diseases. This is another major reason why plant protein is a healthier option in terms of less calories and fat content. Moreover, consumption of too much red meat leads to the mounting of saturated fat in the body. When saturated fat solidifies, it blocks the blood vessels, ultimately leading to cardiac arrest. The case is even worse when adults consume processed meat like bacon; this accumulates trans fat or bat fat in the body ultimately leading to heart attack and other cardiovascular disorders.
Chances of Cancer With Red Meat Consumption
Though the stats are not very clear, and carcinogenic agents in alcoholic beverages and tobacco are way higher than in red meat, it’s hard to deny the fact that consumption of red meat in large quantities over a period of time can have catastrophic health effects. This is the third major reason plant protein and plant based foods are recommended over animal protein. Check out the food options to prevent cancer!
Eating vegetables and fruits in the place of animal products can also vaguely be correlated with longer lifetime. Studies connecting eating habits and lifestyle practices with longer lifetime is hard to come to a conclusion to.
Rather than comparing the benefits of comparing plant protein and animal protein, it is paramount to understand that everything when consumed in moderation will be beneficial to the health of an individual. A balanced diet is also suggested over inclination towards a particular type of food in large quantities.