With increase in remote working options, there comes a lifestyle that is sedentary and unhealthy. High-carb and sugary foods make their way into your everyday life causing more damage than good. Over the months, the condition can turn into something irreversible.

The Ill-Effect of Excess Carbs and Alcohol on Liver

Carbs are a great source of energy to perform our everyday activities. But, when carbs are taken in abundance, the function of the liver is at stake. Liver is the largest organ in the human body that has several major functions including bile production, excretion, and metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. When too many carbs are consumed, the liver loses its ability to process all of them. Ultimately, the undigested carbs and extra calories are converted to triglycerides (Triglycerides are a type of fat that in moderate amounts can yield healthy but, can turn life-threatening when they are stored in amounts that are not required by the body) that can cause a condition called the fatty liver. 

Fatty liver or hepatic steatosis is a condition in which the liver is damaged due to the accumulation of fat. When fatty liver is left untreated for too long, it can cause organ failure and finally death. Fatty liver is not only caused by high-carb intake, it can also be caused by excess alcohol consumption. Alcohol mixes into the bloodstream causing a chemical imbalance in the body. When the liver is not able to process the ethanol and sugar content in the alcohol, it inflates and results in organ failure. Liver failure that is not caused by alcohol is called nonalcoholic cirrhosis. 

How To Treat Fatty Liver?

Fatty liver can cause severe liver ailments like liver cancer, especially in patients with insulin resistance and other diseases. While a reliable treatment for fatty liver hasn’t been found yet, following a dietary plan, reducing weight if obese, and quitting smoking and alcohol consumption can help reduce the risks of life-threatening liver diseases. Obesity is one of the major causes for fatty liver and hence, your doctor will advise a proper diet while avoiding processed and sugary foods. This routine when combined with everyday exercise and physical activities help reduce the risk of organ failure due to fatty liver. 

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I'm Vannessa, a certified masters in curating unique diet plans specializing in nutrition, weight management, stress management etc. I was formerly a member of Healthline's dedicated research team and was recognized as one of their top writers for a decade.I am also actively participating in several health forums, including MomMD and MedHelp.I'm passionate about helping people achieve optimal health through strength training, mindfulness techniques. My articles and guides offer a blend of research and practical strategies to support your specific needs. Let's work together to unlock your full potential for a healthier life.I postgraduated my degree in Advanced Food Safety from Queen's University Belfast. (https://www.qub.ac.uk/)