Do it yourself natural cough syrup candies

Why choose natural cough syrup candies?

These days the cough syrup we get at stores are a cocktail of many chemicals including food grade colors, preservatives and nature identical flavouring substances. In spite of all these whether the medicine actually cures the illness is a matter of question. And, no need of explaining about the side effects like drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth, etc. of those harmful chemicals in our body. So why not try making our own natural cough syrup at home using easily available herbs?

So here we go…



Ginger 200g

Lemon 1

Mint 20 leaves

Thyme handful

Clove powder 1tsp

Water 1 cup

Sugar 1/2cup


How to make?

Take the fresh ginger and peel off the skin. Wash it and chop into pieces. Clean and wash mint and thyme.

Add them to ginger pieces and make a coarse paste in a hand pounder.

Put the paste in skillet. Pour 1 cup of water and make it boil.

Add sugar and honey mix well. Now add clove powder. Bring the mixture to boil.

Add lemon juice.

Turn the flame into medium low. Cook it until you get one string consistency.

Candy syrup drops on butter paper

Take a small spoon and pour into candy size drops on a butter paper little by little leaving enough gap between the drops.

Let it cool down. Sprinkle icing sugar on top and take out the hardened candies from butter paper and store it in an air-tight container.

Homemade cough syrup candies in a bowl

All natural homemade cough syrup candy drops are ready!