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Everything You Must Know About Bile Duct Cancer

Everything You Must Know About Bile Duct Cancer
Everything You Must Know About Bile Duct Cancer

Introduction to bile duct cancer

Bile ducts are a combination of thin tubes about 4 to 5 inches that connect the liver, gallbladder, and small intestine. The word bile refers to a liquid that the liver secretes in order to digest the fats in foods that we consume. We all know any type of cancer can occur in any cell and can spread to any part of the body making it a most complicated disease. 

Bile duct cancers are rare and in the United States in a year around 8000 people are diagnosed with it. A bile duct cancer occurs in any part of the bile duct. The ducts within the liver are called intrahepatic bile ducts. These intrahepatic bile ducts are responsible for carrying bile inside the liver. There are three types are bile duct cancers. They are:

  • Intrahepatic bile duct cancers
  • Perihilar bile duct cancers
  • Distal bile duct cancers

1. Intrahepatic bile duct cancer

This is a condition where the tumor grows in the bile duct that is inside the liver. 

2. Perihilar bile duct cancer

The tumor is developed outside the liver in the hepatic region which forms the common hepatic duct.

3. Distal bile duct cancer

This type of cancer occurs in the region where the liver ducts and the gallbladder ducts combine to form the common bile duct. 

Bile duct cancer symptoms and causes

Bile duct cancer is usually caused by liver disease, abnormal bile ducts, long-time inflammation in the bowel or bile ducts, live flukes, bile duct stones, and liver cirrhosis. The symptoms of bile duct cancer vary from person to person and usually, they do not show up in the early stage. Below listed are some of the common bile duct cancer symptoms:

  • Jaundice
  • Loss of appetite
  • Excessive weight loss
  • Constant feeling of being unwell
  • Very low energy level
  • Stomach pain
  • Fever and shivery
  • Skin that itches
  • darker urine and lighter stools

Foods to avoid with bile duct cancer

People who are diagnosed with bile duct cancer and the ones who are undergoing therapy will have to avoid foods that have high fat content such as bacon, sausage, salami, beef, and hot dogs as it may cause abdominal problems. They should also avoid the intake of fast foods, packed or canned foods, and carbonated drinks. 

Loss of appetite is a common problem with bile duct cancer. One should eat rich foods in nutrients in order to cope with the treatment. Instead of taking three large meals, eating small portions at medium intervals will help.

Bile duct cancer treatment

The cancer treatment relies on the size and location of the tumor cell. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy are all potential therapeutic options.

Can cancer of the bile duct be cured?

If bile duct cancer is curable if the condition is detected at an early stage and the cancer cells have not migrated to other bodily areas. It is advised to speak with a healthcare professional if you are dealing with any symptoms that don’t go away. Hope you found this blog on bile duct cancer to be useful. 

All About Nightmares

All About Nightmares
All About Nightmares

Nightmares are negative feeling during sleep that results in fear and anxiety. Scary dreams make people awaken after sleep and think nonstop about the dreams and get to the peak of fear. This always ends up in mental stress and severe health problems. Check out more about the nightmare disorder. 

Nightmares mostly occur in children from age three to six but also affect adults. It is said to be during the teens,  girls experience nightmares more often than boys.

Symptoms of nightmares

Mostly, people experience nightmares during the second half of their sleep. It may be often or rarely, once or many times during sleep. Resulting in difficulty sleeping. 

  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • fatigue or low energy
  • Fear of dark
  • Not being social with friends and family
  • Fear of sleep
  • Unstoppable thinking of the dreams

Parents or other caregivers may experience significant sleep disturbance and distress if they have a child with a nightmare disorder.

Parasomnia, a sort of sleep condition that comprises unpleasant experiences that happen as you’re falling asleep, while you’re asleep, or as you’re waking up, is what medical professionals refer to as a nightmare problem. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is the stage of sleep when nightmares typically happen.

Risk factors of nightmare disorder

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness can cause issues at work or school or trouble concentrating on daily duties like driving.
  • Mood issues, such as despair or anxiety brought on by persistently bothersome dreams.
  • Fear of having another nightmare keeps you from going to sleep or getting into bed.
  • Thoughts of suicide attempts. 

If you frequently have nightmares and horrible dreams, you probably want to know how to identify their root cause and whether there are any possible remedies. If nightmares are not frequent, cause significant anxiety, or make it difficult to fall asleep again, they are not considered a disorder that requires treatment. The good news is that there are efficient treatment alternatives, such as medication and therapy.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

People with the condition Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often experience trouble sleeping. They usually re-experience the dreams they overgo either in the daytime or at night time. 

Medication for nightmares in adults

What is the best medication for nightmares? Prazosin is a medicine that is effectively used for nightmare treatment. Additionally, it is used in many therapies such as 

  • Psychotherapy
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Hypnosis
  • Lucid dreaming

Prazosin medication should be avoided by the following categories of people., 

  • People who are already taking other medications
  • Those who have done cataract surgery
  • Can be used with caution if experiencing low blood pressure

Other medications are also used for the treatment: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)  used to treat anxiety and depression, such as

  • Citalopram (Celexa)
  • Fluoxetine (Prozac)
  • Paroxetine (Paxil)
  • Sertraline (Zoloft)

Solution for nightmares

For some severe cases, it is necessary to do a polysomnogram. Sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome (RLS), and other sleep disorders can be identified with the use of a polysomnogram, also known as a sleep study. Typically, patients spend the night in a sleep lab at a hospital or an outpatient sleep clinic while electrodes are affixed to their bodies to track their breathing, movement, and brain waves.

Best Exercises to Prevent Breast Cancer

Best Exercises To Prevent Breast Cancer
Best Exercises To Prevent Breast Cancer

One in every eight cancer patients in women fall victim to breast cancer. This condition has become one of the most common types of cancer and women should become more aware of the symptoms and causes.

Breast cancer is a condition where the cells present begin to grow out of control in any part of the breasts. This type of cancer is most common in women and rarely occurs in men. With the developing risks of breast cancer due to our present lifestyle, this particular practice has proven to reduce the occurrence of this fatal condition.

According to the updated guidelines of the American Cancer Society (ACS), engaging in regular exercise can reduce the risks of breast cancer. Simple exercises for about 1.25 to 2.25 hours a week can effectively reduce the occurrence of this cancer. 

How does exercise prevent breast cancer?

Exercises provide various health benefits, keeping several health conditions at bay. Studies have proved that certain exercises prevent breast cancer. Here’s how exercise can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

  • Regular physical activity maintains a healthy weight and decreases the body fat percentage in women. 
  • Exercises regulate hormones like estrogen and insulin—these hormones contribute to the growth of cancer cells in the breasts.
  • Exercises also contribute to mental wellness and relieve stress in humans.
  • It also strengthens the immune system, helping the body to enhance its resistance against diseases.

Breast cancer exercise

Women who engage in regular exercise can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 10-20%. These exercises are simple and also not-so time consuming, so women needn’t worry about compromising their daily activities. These are the exercise to prevent breast cancer:

  • Women are suggested to carry out moderate physical activities for around 150 minutes—activities such as walking, slow dancing, cycling, and so on.
  • About 60-75 minutes of intense physical activity per week can also reduce the risk of breast cancer. These exercises include jogging, running, fast bicycling, swimming, aerobic dance, and so on.
  • The exercises can be done 30 minutes per day; experts suggest 60 minutes of physical activity on a daily basis can effectively reduce the risk of breast cancer. 
  • It is advisable to not jump right into vigorous exercising, make sure to start slow and increase the time and intensity gradually.
  • Yoga for breast cancer prevention is an effective low-impact exercise for women. Yoga poses such as the cat-cow pose, seated side bend, fish pose, and diaphragmatic pranayama have proven to be effective to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Strength training for breast cancer survivors

Following a fitness plan is an essential practice for breast cancer survivors as it helps to maintain health and reduces the risk of lymphedema after cancer. It further prevents the recurrence of the same. 

Strength training is exercises performed to improve strength, endurance, and is the first step taken to return to normal physical activity after cancer treatment. These exercises mostly include lightweight training, and depend on the type of surgery performed.

Stretch Marks on Breasts: Reason, Reduction and Prevention

Stretch Marks on Breasts
Stretch Marks on Breasts

‘How to get rid of stretch marks?’ is one of the most googled questions on the internet. Often perceived as a flaw on the skin, stretch marks are a natural occurrence in most humans. It appears stripe-like and results from skin stretching due to natural and unnatural causes. 

Some of the common body areas where stretch marks occur are the breasts, abdomen, hips, butt, and thighs. This blog will focus on the types of stretch marks on breasts, their reasons, removal, and prevention. 

Stretch marks on breasts – Reasons

When the skin expands, it loses elasticity and forms cracks between the connective tissues. This causes atrophic dermal scars under the atrophic epidermal layer, also known as stretch marks. There are a variety of reasons for stretch marks under breasts, some of them are:

  • Puberty

Every girl undergoes hormonal and bodily changes during puberty. The growth of breasts, thighs, hips, and hair in private areas is an essential part of it. An increase in breast size during puberty is one reason for stretch marks on breasts.

  • Pregnancy and Childbirth

Not only does a woman’s abdomen, but her breasts also start to increase in size during pregnancy. After childbirth, women’s breasts double in size due to lactation. This causes stretch marks. 

  • Weight loss/ gain

Rapid increase and decrease in breast size due to weight loss or weight gain can also lead to stretch marks under the breasts.

  • Plastic surgery

Breast implants can lead to stretch marks since the breast tissue is moved around and stretched to accommodate the silicon implants.

  • Genes

Apart from the above stretch marks on breast reasons, genetics play a role too. Stretch marks are not hereditary but if your parents have them, there is more likeliness of you getting them.

Stretch marks on breasts – Types

Stretch marks appear to be red, pink, or purple in color when they first form and turn paler or whiter in color over time. Three common types of stretch marks occur on breasts, they are:

  • Striae atrophicae

When the skin expands due to weight gain and workouts, it loosed elasticity and scars. These are stretch marks are called striae atrophicae.

  • Striae distensae

Stretch marks caused due to skin expansion, especially during puberty are called striae atrophicae. Stretch marks under breast are a common sight for teenagers during puberty.

  • Striae gravidarum

Stretch marks caused due to pregnancy changes in a woman’s body are striae distensae. These usually occur in the abdomen and breast areas.

Stretch marks on breasts – Removal & Prevention

There are plenty of at-home remedies, cosmetic products, and procedures available for breast stretch marks removal. Some of them are:

  • At-home remedies

Exfoliate: Removing dead skin cells, using a good exfoliating scrub or wash, will help in collagen production. Collagen helps return elasticity to the skin and fading of stretch marks. 

Massage: Using nourishing moisturizers that contain vitamin E, like cocoa butter, and shea butter to massage the stretch mark areas, increases blood circulation. This aids in fading all types of stretch marks on breasts.

Hydrate: Dry skin increases stretch marks, therefore hydrating it from within is also necessary. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. This helps in reducing the stretch marks on breasts.

  • Cosmetic products and treatments 

Topical ointments: Dermatologists suggest gels and solutions that contain hyaluronic acid, ascorbic acid, glycolic acid, and retinoic acid for the reduction of stretch marks on the breast.

Cosmetic treatments: Laser resurfacing therapy, microdermabrasion, acid peels, and collagen injections are very effective in fading away stretch marks. 

  • Prevention

Stretch marks due to pregnancy, genes, or plastic surgery cannot be prevented, but they can be minimized with proper massage, exfoliation, and hydration of the skin. Leading an active lifestyle will help prevent breast stretch marks than occur due to weight gain or loss. 

Busting 8 Myths About Breast Cancer

Busting 8 Myths About Breast Cancer
Busting 8 Myths About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer has become a common type of cancer across the globe. There are several misconceptions associated with breast cancer. These breast cancer myths have to be busted to take proper preventive measures. Here are some of the breast facts and myths:

Antiperspirants cause breast cancer

The chemicals that might be present in deodorants, such as aluminum and paraben, are believed to be the cause of breast cancer- which is a myth. The potential contact from the deodorant applied to the underarm cannot be the cause, as there are no studies to prove it. These substances can have other impacts when used over time, but there are no proofs to substantiate the cause of cancer.

Only in women

Breast cancer is mostly associated only with women. But in some rare cases, even men develop breast cancer. It is not just the human race that falls under the spectrum. Even animals like cats and dogs can fall prey to breast cancer. 

Injury causes cancer

It is assumed that any injury or wound on the breast could be the cause- which is one of the breast cancer myths. The occurrence of the trauma would draw attention to the breasts, making the already existing tumor visible. 

Underwire bra causes breast cancer

The notion that wearing underwire bras causes breast cancer is a myth. Underwire bras are for support and getting lifted breasts; there are no researches/ studies to prove that underwire bras or any other type of bra, or going braless can lead to breast cancer.

No family history, not at risk

Hereditary and family history of breast cancer calls for precaution. It does not mean those without a cancer past are not prone to any risk, which is a myth. There are chances of developing breast cancer, or any cancer, without the first family circle having a cancer past.

Mastectomy- the ultimatum

If an individual is diagnosed with breast cancer, mastectomy is not the only solution. Radiation, hormonal therapies, and the next stage of lumpectomy are the treatment options. When the cancerous cells spread across the breasts without options for securing cells from spreading to other organs, mastectomy is the solution. Thus, breast cancer treatment does not only refer to the removal of breast tissues.

Lump= tumor

Any lump that develops in the breast is not cancerous. There are chances of benign lumps. Monitor it closely, even though it is benign for any pain or change in size. Perform self-breast examinations to understand the current condition now and then. 

A mammogram can cause cancer

A mammogram is a test run to examine the breast. There are notions associated with the process of mammography that it can cause or spread breast cancer. The breast is compressed during the test to get a close look at the state of any lumps or tumors or to determine if any. There is no proof that mammograms lead to cancer; it is a myth. 

It is essential to take care of your breasts. Self-breast examinations at regular intervals are a necessity. Remember, it is crucial to know the normal to understand or spot any abnormalities. This blog aims to breast cancer awareness and to exhibit unknown facts about breast cancer. Please visit a doctor immediately if you have any symptoms or abnormalities in your breast.

Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

A Walkthrough On Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment
A Walkthrough On Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic allergic and immune condition associated with the esophagus. The condition results from the presence of a specific type of white blood cells—called eosinophils—in the esophagus or the food pipe.

The condition is quite rare and mainly affects food consumption and some organs in the body. Eosinophilic esophagitis is considered a major digestive system-related condition since it has no cure. The symptoms, however, can be kept at bay to prevent further damage.

The eosinophil cells build up in the esophagus, causing unfavorable reactions when it comes to contact with an allergen. The reaction leads to inflammation and damage to the food pipe. Read more to know about eosinophilic esophagitis symptoms, causes, treatment, and other important factors.

Eosinophilic Esophagitis Causes

Eosinophilic esophagitis occurs due to the presence of the white blood cell eosinophil in the food pipe. The occurrence of these cells in the esophagus is mainly due to either an allergic response or genetic factors.

Allergic response

People might experience undesirable reactions while consuming certain foods. This is due to the response the body executes to get rid of an allergen, a substance that causes an allergic response. The allergic reaction might occur after consuming foods containing soy, peanuts or dairy, etc.

Genetic factors

People with higher expression of the eotaxin-3 gene may get eosinophilic esophagitis. The gene controls the production of the eotaxin-3 gene in the body. Since the gene cell is present in large numbers, it leads to higher production of white blood cells. This will eventually result in eosinophilic esophagitis.

Eosinophilic esophagitis symptoms

The symptoms of Eosinophilic esophagitis vary in children and adults. But the most common factor is difficulty swallowing or eating due to the build-up of eosinophil cells. Other symptoms include.

In children:

  • Weight loss
  • Difficulty in eating and drinking 
  • Vomiting
  • Malnutrition 

In adults

  • Difficulty in swallowing, or dysphagia
  • Chest pain
  • Heartburn
  • Regurgitation

Regurgitation is where the food rises up in the esophagus leading to spitting of food without any sign of nausea.

Eosinophilic esophagitis treatment,

Unfortunately, there is no cure for eosinophilic esophagitis and it is a chronic condition. So people undergo treatment to keep the symptoms at bay. Eosinophilic esophagitis treatment can either be through medicine or diet.

Eosinophilic esophagitis treatment guidelines

With several ongoing research studies about eosinophilic esophagitis, the treatment gets enhanced with time. These advancements have brought some key guidelines to reduce the impact of eosinophilic esophagitis symptoms. Also, these guidelines change from time to time with new discoveries. Make sure you consult with a medical provider for a proper diagnosis. 

Some of the key guidelines include the recommendations of topical steroids as first-line treatment, proton pump inhibition (PPI) therapy, diet therapy, esophageal dilation, and targeted biologic therapies. It is suggested to visit a healthcare provider to discuss these treatment guidelines.

Eosinophilic esophagitis natural treatment

As we know, there is no cure for eosinophilic esophagitis but can control the symptoms. Herbal ingredients such as licorice and chamomile can ease the heartburn caused by this condition.

One can also try performing meditation and engaging in acupuncture techniques to control acid reflux. It is always advisable to visit your healthcare provider to discuss Eosinophilic esophagitis natural treatment.

Eosinophilic esophagitis cancer

The study and research conducted for decades have so far shown that eosinophilic esophagitis is not cancerous, that is, the condition does not result or cause cancer. The condition, despite being a chronic disease, does not decrease the life expectancy of the person affected.

Eosinophilic esophagitis diet

People with eosinophilic esophagitis should be the most careful when it comes to diet. One had to eliminate several food items to avoid any allergic reaction that would trigger any discomfort in the esophagus. If one finds it difficult to determine what food they are allergic to, then it is advised to avoid the major allergy-triggering foods.

Food Category Foods to Avoid Foods to Eat
Dairy and dairy products Milk

Condensed milk





Sour cream

Ice cream

Coconut milk

Oat milk

Dairy-free yogurt, cheese

Cashew ice cream 

Wheat products Wheat-based flour

Glucose syrup

Gluten-containing products



Gluten-free foods








Egg products Egg


Cream filling

Baked products (ones containing eggs)

Egg-free foods

Egg substitutes 

Soy products Soy sauce






Refined soybean oil (consult with a healthcare provider first)

Soy sauce substitute

Nut products Walnut



Nut butter

Nut oil

Pumpkin seeds

Sesame seeds

Sunflower seeds

Coconut products 

Fish and shellfish products All fishes, crustacea, and mollusks. Animal-based proteins like poultry, beef, pork, venison, and so on.


Conclusion :
EoE is a significant and challenging medical condition that affects both children and adults. It is believed to result from a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and immunological factors. The condition can cause a range of symptoms, including difficulty swallowing, chest pain, food impaction, and heartburn, which can significantly impact a person’s quality of life.

Scariest Health Hazards This Halloween

Scariest Health Hazards This Halloween
Scariest Health Hazards This Halloween

As spooky and scary as Halloween is, so are the Halloween health hazards that follow. The practices associated with the celebration of Halloween can have unanticipated consequences, and the following are the root cause and some health facts about Halloween:

Face/Body paints

Halloween calls for makeovers, and face paints can be a necessity to achieve the look. There can be a few components in the paint that can lead to allergic reactions on the skin. Elements like lead or toxins in the paint can be the cause. If the paint is not skin-friendly, it can also clog the pores. 


Candies are an essential element of the festivity. As sweet as the candies are, there can be several not-so-sweet effects.

  • Dental problems

The sugar content in the candies can be the origin of dental issues. The chewy kind of candies is more likely to stick to the teeth’s surface, leading to cavities and plague. 

  • Black licorice

It is crucial to trace the amount of black licorice you consume in the form of candies. According to the FDA, for an individual over 40 years of age, about 2 ounces of Black licorice consumed eventually for two weeks can lead to hospitalization. It is because the substance can reduce the amount of potassium in the body. 

  • Rainbow Fentanyl

The spread of rainbow fentanyl drugs is quite high this Halloween season. The colorful pills are a threat, as these can get addictive, and even an extra grain of the drug can lead to death. As it can be difficult to trace the drug pill from the candy pile, be extra careful. 

Contact lenses

One cannot purchase contact lenses without a prescription. But come Halloween, you can purchase contact lenses from any arts and crafts store. So remember the potential risks involved. These lenses can be the right fit for your makeover, with popping colors, but they can also lead to infection in the eyes, especially in the cornea. 

Face masks

The face masks that one might wear with their Halloween costumes should not be a hindrance to their view and vision. The eye space through which one can look has to be wide enough, and the mask has to be breathable. Choose face masks made up of porous materials that can ventilate. Thick material that is too synthetic can lead to skin rashes or even difficulty breathing. 

Road accidents

During Halloween, there are more traffic fatalities and accidents than at any other time. The costumes worn play a crucial role in the unfortunate occurrence. The number of children and teenagers hit by vehicles is nearly three times higher on Halloween day, and this is why Halloween is dangerous for kids.

Pumpkin carving

Pumpkin decors are a must when it comes to Halloween. The process of carving pumpkins can be a little tricky and lead to injuries. One can opt for smaller carving tools instead of large sharp knives to avoid such happenings. 

Flame resistant outfits

It is necessary to be cautious.  A flame-resistant outfit can help prevent potential burns. The costume can have props that can become prey to fire. Such fabrics will take time to catch fire, reducing the chances of burning quickly. 

Preventive measures

  • After trick-or-treating, make sure to have a look at all the candies collected. Browse through them and then consume them instead of having them right away. 
  • Opt for food-based or non-toxic paints, as it is a safe option even if the substance gets in the eyes or ingested by any chance. 
  • Wear bright-colored clothes or clothes with reflectors on them to avoid road accidents. 
  • Prioritize the comfort and safety of the costume worn to prevent mishappenings or discomfort. 
  • If you are going for masks with your Halloween costume, make sure to wear ones with a larger opening in the eyes for better visibility. 

Celebrate this Halloween holiday to the fullest with a few things to remember. This blog hopes to bring awareness about Halloween health hazards. Please visit the doctor immediately in case of any unfortunate circumstances or to know more about Halloween facts for health.

Flatworm-inspired adhesive stops blood loss

Flatworm Inspired Adhesive Stops Blood Loss
Flatworm Inspired Adhesive Stops Blood Loss

What is a flatworm?

Flatforms are soft-body invertebrates. The body is usually flattened and bilaterally symmetrical. The biological structure is triploblastic (made up of three fundamental cell layers). They don’t have any body cavity,  except for the gut. They have a single opening for food intake and waste excretion. 

They respire through the process of diffusion. Flatworms like planarians, flukes, and tapeworms were studied by researchers for their medicinal usage. Flatworms benefit the ecosystem by playing an important part in regulating the food chain.


Platyhelminthes’ is the flatworm medical terminology. This flatworm medical term is derived from the Greek, platy meaning ‘flat’ and helminth meaning ‘worm’. 

What is hemorrhage? 

Hemorrhage is acute blood loss from damaged blood vessels. This can be internal and external. This condition has to be administrated immediately. This emergency condition can become lethal also, when not treated in time. Around 2 million people die from hemorrhaging or blood loss each year worldwide. 30% are trauma deaths due to uncontrolled hemorrhaging.

In most cases, the blood loss is tried to stop by compressing the affected body part. But some wounds, like in the torso, cannot be compressed. Because this can lead to adverse effects.

Doctors apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding, proceeding with medical glue to seal the wound. In some cases, it is too bloody for medical glue.

Researchers from McGill University (Canada’s top-ranked medical doctoral university) inspired by the structure of marine animals like mussels and flatworms designed a medical adhesive. This will help save many lives. They have named the adhesive ‘liquid-infused microstructured bioadhesives’ or LIMB.

“When applied to the bleeding site, the new adhesive uses suction to absorb blood, clear the surface for adhesion, and bond to the tissue providing a physical seal. The entire application process is quick and pressure-free, which is suitable for non-compressible hemorrhage situations, which are often life-threatening,” – said the lead author Guangyu Bao (Ph.D. student) under the supervision of Professor Jianyu Li.

Inspired by nature

In nature, marine organisms like flatworms attach to bio-decomposed surfaces underneath the water. This is possible because of the sheath formed by microstructural architecture and infused liquid. For example, mussel plaques with microporous structures and flatworms with channel glands process the storage and delivery of adhesive liquids.

How it works

Let us see how the flatworm blood loss treatment works. The bioadhesive sticks to the open bloody surface of the wound. After the application, the adhesive uses suction to absorb blood, clearing the surface for grip and sticking to the tissue. A physical seal is created in the opening as the result of coagulation. 

“Our material showed much better-improved safety and bleeding control efficiency than other commercial products. Beyond bleeding control, our material could one day replace wound sutures or deliver drugs to provide therapeutic effects,” says McGill bioengineer Professor Jianyu Li.


The technology of flatworm blood loss treatment may be new to the medical field. This is still not under clinical trials. Researchers are onto it. Hopefully, this will help in saving lives from hemorrhaging or severe blood loss in emergencies or during surgery. 

Flatworm Medicinal uses

Some of the other medical areas where the structure and biological construction of flatworms used under study are as follows,   

Reliable alternate for screening (skin test)

Study of the Nervous system

Tissue maintenance and organ regeneration and more.

Future of Flatworm Blood Loss Treatment

May it be not under clinical trials, but this adhesive treatment will swirl around in the field of surgery and emergency administration in future without any doubt.

Rainbow Fentanyl: What It Looks Like and What People Should Do to Protect Our Kids

Rainbow Fentanyl: What It Looks Like And What People Should Do To Protect Our Kids
Rainbow Fentanyl: What It Looks Like And What People Should Do To Protect Our Kids

Saying no to candy is tough. It is nearly impossible for a child to say “no” to colorful candies that look fun and promising. Due to this, children may become victims of rainbow fentanyl pills, a lethal opioid that is widely available. The consumption of this drug might be difficult to trace and stop, as children who consume it think they are consuming candies. The history of fentanyl drugs leading to several deaths creates waves of fear. 

The colorful pills are a threat, as these can get addictive, and even an extra grain of the drug can lead to death. Such facts place a significant responsibility on the parents’ shoulders to educate their children about the circulation of drugs around. 

The threat

  • As it is the time around Halloween, there is a high possibility of children consuming candies from people they do not know.
  • The deadly pills found in large Lego boxes resemble the usual colorful candies that children consume, which might give rise to suspicions.
  • The availability and accessibility of these pills are difficult to predict.
  • It is fatal and addictive.
  • The drug is available in several shapes and sizes. Hence, it is difficult to rule it out by appearance.
  • According to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration:
  1. Fentanyl is nearly 50 times more potent than heroin, which makes it clear that this substance is hazardous.
  2. Almost 2 milligrams of fentanyl drug is fatal.
  3. The concentration of fentanyl can be determined only through laboratory testing.
  4. The leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 and 45 is drug poisoning.

Side effects of fentanyl

Opioids like fentanyl can aid with pain management. As it will calm the neurological system that transmits pain, it is a significant ingredient in painkillers and anesthetics. Fentanyl has several side effects that might be fatal if excessively used. Without the addition of other components, it can be harmful when ingested in larger doses. Some of the moderate side effects of using fentanyl medicines include blurred vision, disorientation, coughing, a rapid heartbeat, a feeling of being cold, headaches, anxiousness, restlessness, sweating, and tightness in the chest.


  • Instruct children not to accept any candies or edibles from strangers or even from people they know.
  • The distribution of these substances around the States is to inculcate addiction among the younger generation. Educate children about the potential dangers and ways to keep them away from these drugs in any form.
  • Instruct children to report anything suspicious anywhere to a trusted adult—it could be to a trusted teacher, parents, or grandparents.
  • Monitor what the child consumes, including keeping track of what the child eats behind your back (in school or elsewhere).

Be aware

It might be challenging for parents to deal with the proliferation of medicines that appear to be candy. Additionally, monitoring can be challenging because the youngster may not be familiar with medications or their effects. In the long run, the desired effect of drugs- intoxication addiction to use them- is the intention of the drug’s circulation. This Halloween season, keep a close check on the candies to which the child gets access.

Severe Food Allergies Can Traumatize Kids

Severe Food Allergies Can Traumatize Kids
Severe Food Allergies Can Traumatize Kids

It is not easy for a kid with a severe allergic condition to hang out in normal society along with their peers. They start to develop psychological issues from a young age. Performing daily activities becomes a big task for them many times. Food allergies in childcare are to be addressed and administrated immediately.

These are some difficulties faced by children affected by food allergies psychologically.


The children get anxious about their condition, not able to understand the changes in their physical bodies. This will make it difficult to communicate or convey their thoughts to anyone. 


Feeling excess anxiety leads to stress. This results in dysfunctional behavior in the child. Studying, playing, or going to school may become difficult for them. 


Food allergies in children lead to a state of depression when the condition is severe.

The child fails to take the help of the family in some cases. They have bad mood swings and are never ready to explore new things. 


Anxiety, stress, and depression altogether reduce the self-esteem of the children. Fear of allergic symptoms like rashes, redness, and itching that are visible makes them uncomfortable.

They start doubting their ability. Children become reluctant to engage with any old or new friends. Being alone seems more comfortable for them.

Quality of life

With all the pessimistic attitude and fear, children’s quality of life is in danger. The children miss normal childhood, friendship, and also the care from their loved ones. Many good opportunities are left unnoticed purposefully.  

Family isolation

Parents and family members get themselves isolated from society, to avoid any chance of disturbance to their children. They want to protect the kids from any form of bullying or mistreatment. They may skip family functions such as birthdays, and marriages in order to protect their children from embarrassment.

How to cope with food allergies in children


It is always advisable to be cautious about the food before consumption.

Planning a meal before going out can help the kid to be safe.

Food allergy treatment

There is no permanent treatment for any food allergy. Temporary medication or observation is done to bring the child out of danger. The only best way is to avoid the food causing the reaction. 


Checking the label of the food product would help us avoid any risk occurrence.

Parents need to educate their children about the ingredients they are intolerant to

Proper knowledge

Parents and teachers can help the other kids and societal people to understand the severity of the child’s food allergy and that it is non-communicable. They can make it easy for others to accept the child to be one among them.   

Emergency medicine 

Despite all the precautionary measures, anyone may skip the part of checking the ingredients in a restaurant or a party. Being aware of the condition, one must always have emergency medicine to be safe.


Both the parents and child face a lot of psychological disbalance. Meditation as a part of their daily routine will surely help them to relax and rejuvenate from all the mental stress. 

Food allergy testing kit

There are many food allergy testing kits available in the market. With the proper usage of a kit, one can find the tolerance level for any food content. Consult the doctor for the appropriate kit that can be used.

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