Wondering if you’re pregnant? Pregnancy tests and ultrasounds are not the only ways to determine your pregnancy. Pregnancy is different for each woman, and not everyone will have the same symptoms. A missed period is the early symptoms of pregnancy, but there are many other signs and symptoms. Generally, women experience these common and early signs of pregnancy during their first trimester.
- Missed period– Missed periods are the most prominent and early signs of pregnancy. But not all missed periods are early signs of pregnancy. It can be misleading if you have an irregular menstrual cycle. You can also skip your period from stress, exercise, diet, and hormonal imbalance.
- Increased urination– From begging to six weeks during pregnancy, women might experience frequent urination. This happens because extra blood flows to the kidney, and it works harder to filter the blood. This puts extra pressure on the bladder and makes you pee more frequently.
- Fatigue- You might feel exhausted during your first trimester of pregnancy. This is because your progesterone levels soar, and it makes you feel sleepy. Eating food rich in protein and iron can help.
- Bloating– During the early weeks of pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause bloating, and it can also slow down your digestive system. Bloating is caused due to increased levels of the hormone progesterone.
- Breast tenderness- A woman may experience fuller breasts and sensitive nipples during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Breasts can even become swollen, sore, heavier, fuller, or tender to touch. The area around the nipples can also darken.
- Morning sickness– Regardless of its name, morning sickness can strike at any time during the early stages of pregnancy. There are various levels of nausea and Many women face nausea and vomiting.
- Mood changes– There can be several reasons for mood swings, but your pregnancy hormones can also be one of the reasons. Hormone changes during pregnancy can be one of the reasons for mood swings.
- High B.P and dizziness– During the early stages of pregnancy pressure, one might experience high or low blood pressure. This can lead to dizziness and headaches because the blood vessels are dilated.
- Constipation- A higher level of progesterone can cause constipation during pregnancy. It makes your bowels relax by allowing food to stay longer in the digestive tract. Drinking plenty of water and eating high fiber foods can ease constipation.
- Food aversions– Some women face a strong dislike of a particular food, where some have food carvings. You might also get more sensitive to certain odors, and your food preferences may also change.
All the symptoms mentioned above aren’t unique to pregnancy. As said earlier, pregnancy is different from one woman to another. You can also get pregnant without experiencing these symptoms. Taking a pregnancy test is the only way to confirm your pregnancy. Take a home pregnancy test or visit a gynecologist.