What Is C. Diff?
Clostridium difficile is an infectious bacterium that causes inflammation in the large intestine. It causes diarrhea and colitis, an inflammation of the colon’s wall. Mostly this disease is referred to as C. difficile or C. diff.
A C. diff infection arises when there’s an excessive amount of bacterium in the intestine.
The primary indication of C. diff is diarrhea, other symptoms include,
- Fever
- Stomach tenderness
- Abdominal pain or cramps
- Nausea
- Loss of appetite
- Dehydration
How Does It Spread?
The C. diff bacterium develops from feces. A person could become infected when they touch the contaminated surface and touch the mouth.
In addition, the bacteria are resistant to many chemicals, so they can stick around for a long time.
Who Is Most Susceptible to Infection?
Though anyone can contract the bacteria, some people are more susceptible to the infection.
Several factors that can raise the risk include,
- Consuming antibiotics, particularly long courses of broad-spectrum antibiotics
- Spending a long time in the hospital
- Older age
- Being immunocompromised
- Having chronic or liver disease
- Taking proton pump inhibitors
How Do Antibiotics Cause C. Diff?
- diff is prevalent in the environment. Unknowingly some people may carry the bacteria in their guts, but they might not have any signs or symptoms. Generally, the good bacteria in the gut prevent C. diff infection. But some antibiotics could kill the good bacteria in the guts. If a person encounters C. diff while taking antibiotics, the bacteria could multiply and make them sick.
- diff is fatal for aged people or immunocompromised people. People with strong immune systems can develop severe complications unless they receive timely care.
What Antibiotics Lead to C. Diff?
A few varieties of antibiotics are strongly connected with a C. diff infection. Long-term antibiotic usage is common in hospitals and nursing homes. People with illnesses like chronic sinus infections, and prostatitis, also consume antibiotics in extended courses.
How to Prevent C. Diff While Taking Antibiotics?
The ideal method of preventing C. diff is to use antibiotics only when necessary. Antibiotics won’t work for every health issue including common cold, flu, and Covid-19. Consuming antibiotics for a shorter period of time can also be beneficial. For instance, youngsters sometimes take antibiotics for acne for six or more than a couple of months. Some health professionals recommend short dosages. In certain cases, antibiotics are necessary. Here are some suggestions on how to consume them in case it’s an unavoidable situation.
Wash Your Hands
If a person is infected with C. diff they are prone to spread the disease through their feces. If they don’t wash their hands, they can contaminate anything they touch. The bacteria C. diff develops spores by building a shell around itself. The spores can exist for a few months or even years.
People can develop an infection if they touch those infected surfaces and then touch their mouths. The best way to protect yourself from C. diff is by washing your hands.
Take Probiotics
Probiotics are good bacteria, naturally found in your gut and it aids to stay healthy. Some foods and supplements contain probiotics which will help restore the good bacteria while consuming antibiotics.
But there’s still no evidence of which probiotic species work and how much to consume.
Which Foods Should be Included in the Diet?
While in treatment consider adding foods that can help recover from C. diff. foods include
- Liquids: Diarrhea can cause dehydration, so drink a lot of water and broth-based soups.
- Calcium: Adequate calcium intake is important for health. People with lactose malabsorption can try almond milk, soy milk, hemp milk, and flax milk.
- Fibre: Fibre-rich foods may help to remove the infection from your system. Oranges, oatmeal, lentils, and flaxseeds are good choices.
- Protein-rich foods: Add some protein sources like eggs, chicken, and turkey.
- Non-cruciferous vegetables: Include veggies like beetroot, carrot, zucchini, celery, cucumber, and green beans.
- Starchy foods: Consume easy-to-digest starchy foods like potatoes, bananas, and white rice.
How Is C. diff Treated?
If a person is diagnosed with C. diff, the health provider will provide medicines like
- Fidaxomicin
- Vancomycin.
Physicians will provide treatment according to the severity of the infection. However prompt treatment and good hygiene will help you feel better.