Most Unhealthiest Countries In the World

As global healthcare continues to improve, many countries are enjoying longer lifespans and better quality of life. However, there are still some countries where health issues remain a major problem. According to research, the world’s unhealthiest countries are ranked on the parameters of tobacco use, high blood pressure, obesity, availability of clean water, life expectancy, malnutrition, and causes of death. Below listed are the top 10 unhealthiest countries in the world according to Clinic Compare’s report. The first in the list is The Czech Republic followed by Russia, Slovenia, Belarus, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Luxembourg, and the last place is shared by Lithuania and the United States (US). The reason the US comes under the list is because of its prevailing obesity rate. The US is considered the most obese country in North America with 36.2% of its population being obese. Continue reading to know the obesity facts in America and obesity rates in america. 

Obesity Facts in America 

  • The obesity rate is over 20% in all 50 states. 42% of American adults suffer from obesity which is around two-third of the US adult population. 
  • Around 20% of youngsters between the age of 2 and 19 are obese. 
  • Economic instability, insufficient access to healthcare, lack of exercise and unhealthy food habits are the main contributors to obesity. 

What is obesity?

Excess body fat that has collected to the point where it could be harmful to a person’s health is what is known as obesity. Body mass index (BMI) testing, which considers a person’s weight and height, is commonly used to diagnose it. Obesity is commonly considered to be present at BMI values exceeding 30. Cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and some malignancies are just a few of the health issues that obesity might make more likely. A number of lifestyle variables, including a poor diet and inactivity, can contribute to it, including genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Continue reading to know the 10 ways to control obesity.

10 ways to control obesity

  • Consume a healthy diet. Include a variety of nutrients in your meals, such as whole grains, proteins, unprocessed foods, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Monitor your quantities. For calorie counting, use smaller bowls, cups, and plates.
  • Consume a significant amount of water. Water may keep you hydrated, and full, and may even help in speeding up your metabolism.
  • Eat minimal processed food. Foods high in added sugars and refined carbs might lead to weight gain and avoid the eating of carbonated beverages and saturated fat food. 
  • Exercise regularly. Obesity is primarily caused by a lack of exercise.
  • Get sufficient sleep. Hormones that control metabolism and hunger can be disturbed by sleep deprivation.
  • Manage stress. Overeating and weight growth can both be influenced by persistent stress.
  • Seek assistance. Join a support group, consult a therapist or trained nutritionist, or ask family and friends for assistance.
  • Become mindful when you eat. Recognize whether you are hungry or full, and enjoy the flavors and sensations of your food.
  • Set realistic goals. Gradual weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week is a safe and sustainable approach.