Keeping aside the argument of the origin & cause of the pandemic, find how to put an end to the pandemic with a vegetable.

A recent article published in an independent journal, Knowable Magazine by Annual Reviews pondered over several facts that could have controlled the spread of the virus in China. Though a mass of Chinese did get affected, the numbers were less than other lowly-populated countries in comparison. 

Get Ready

The Alfred Sloan Institute has given the grant to find how each country navigates and responds to outbreaks. David Bray, the inaugural director of the GeoTech Center and executive director of the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies, and Data at the Atlantic Council shares on how we can build immunity for the planet against future pandemics. 

There may be no definitive answer to the question ‘Is the Coronavirus manmade?” Several researchers and statisticians have suggested the world and frontline health workers should gear up for severe outbreaks in the future. 

What Is Super Veggie?

Bray’s experience at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Program has helped him notice a steady ten-fold rise in the sale of garlic a few months before the nationwide outbreak of the coronavirus infection in China. 

In most Asian countries, garlic cloves are considered an all-in-one medicine. A rise in the sale of garlic in 2019 indicated the beginning of a widespread infection, feasibly SARS. 

He again noticed an increase just five months before China released the press statement about the coronavirus pandemic. Bray stated that studying factors indicating a possible outbreak can help in discovering vulnerability before widespread infections.

How to Put an End to the Pandemic?

Bray recommends building an immunity model for the planet to survive any impending outbreaks. Here is what he wants the government to do:


The increase in garlic sales is not sufficient evidence to conclude the beginning of an infection. There is a need to analyze several data to find definite factors conveying the rise of biological pathogens that can cause a pandemic. 

Bray recommends forming a network model consisting of various available tools to detect and analyze infectious agents directly or indirectly.  


Monitoring the sewage should be encouraged. Wastewater is the first place where particular disease-causing pathogens appear before every nation or worldwide outbreak. Thus, help in curtailing their spread or even in the invention of a vaccine at the earliest. 


Developed countries can afford to implement these changes to their system but, what about developing countries? How can they implement a separate research center to monitor for future outbreaks? 

Bray advises using a supercomputing network through satellites to monitor the possible transmission of harmful microbes globally. He recommends utilizing biosensors and molecule structures of pathogens to study the magnitude of diseases, how they spread, and viable treatment. 


David Bray proposed developing a system similar to cloud seeding for distributing vaccines and medicines. Several states have begun to add silver iodide to clouds to increase rainfall. Since most of the naturally available water in America is high in fluoride, cloud seeding has helped immensely in including folate in the water. 


Privacy and personal choice are crucial aspects of implementing a network into the civilized system. Bray insists on the creation of a transparent network with parameters that keep privacy a priority. 

He advocates pitching a pilot system in welcoming communities for a trial and error period to identify new pandemics to put an end to the pandemic.

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Ashley completed her degree with nutrition as her major. She loves sharing her knowledge with others and playing with words. After struggling for almost a year to find a job that could make her feel lively, she ended up as a freelance writer. Ashley writes health-related blogs and articles. She makes sure that her works always stand unique and are useful for everyone. Ashley is also a YouTuber who shares health-related videos. She knows the value of the right information and how it can be beneficial to others. Therefore, her only motto is to provide accurate information. If Ashley sounds like that neighbor who you can ask for health tips, take a look at her works.