Stress Management

What Are The Types of Stress And How Can You fight Them?

Stress is a psychological reaction to a condition that is expressed as a challenge or threat. Have you faced any stressed-out situations in your life? This is due to the loss of your loved one, work pressure, financial setback, deadlines, and other personal issues. Frequent stress affects numerous systems such as memory, the immune system, and metabolism. People are unable to realize different types of stress whatever the reason. Continue reading to know more about the types of stress and support systems for stress.

Types of stress

Stress occurs as a result of chemicals and hormones flowing throughout your body. It ensures you respond to a specific problem, but too much can damage your health. 

Acute stress

This stress comes rather quickly and can be caused by several things. Acute stress leaves you shocked for some time and does not stay long. Losing a loved one, being the victim of an accident, or being diagnosed with chronic illnesses are examples of acute stress. Moreover, individuals also feel acute stress once they are preparing for presentations, job interviews, the birth of a child, starting a new job, and going to the doctor. Some acute stress relief strategies include cognitive-behavioral therapy, breathing exercises, and meditation. 

Symptoms of acute stress 

  • Sleep difficulty
  • Avoiding people or places
  • Faster breathing rate
  • Feeling tense or restless

Chronic stress

Have you felt headaches and pulsation for a prolonged time? If yes, then you could be suffering from chronic stress. The key characteristics of chronic stress are chest pain, insomnia, and low energy levels. This stress is common among individuals who deal with health disabilities, experiencing mood swings, limited social support networks, and catastrophic thinking. 

High blood pressure, fatigue, headache, depression, negative thinking, weight gain, low-self confidence, weakened immune system, and digestive problems are the signs of chronic stress. Methods of chronic stress management tips include yoga, deep breathing, a healthy diet, meditation, and adequate sleep. 

Episodic acute stress

The stress that occurs in individuals on regular or intermittent periods is known as episodic acute stress. It happens when you are worried about an event that will happen in the future or anxious about a negative experience. For example, meetings to discuss a divorce, regular presentations at work, and repetitive doctor appointments. One of the best ways to relieve episodic stress is medication, exercise, deep breathing, and more. 

Symptoms of episodic acute stress

  • Panic attacks
  • Muscle pain
  • Constant headaches
  • Feeling angry

Stress reduction techniques

It is easy to reduce your stress by engaging in several activities. Check out the various stress management tips mentioned below. 


One of the effective ways to manage your stress is by engaging in physical exercise regularly. You can begin with gentle activities like biking, walking, and doing virtual workouts like yoga. It is easy to lessen the stress level by engaging in exercise for at least 30 minutes daily. 

Maintain a healthy diet 

It is possible to decrease your stress by maintaining a nutritious diet. Your healthy diet affects your mental and physical health. It assists to stabilize your mood and promotes a healthy lifestyle. 

Spend time with family and friends

Social support from friends and family ensures you deal with stress. One of the easiest methods of stress relief is spending time with these people. Having a social support system is vital for your overall mental health. 

Practice deep breathing

Deep breathing exercises assist you to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Paced respiration, abdominal breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, and belly breathing are some deep breathing exercises beneficial for you. Your body’s relaxation process activates quickly through deep breathing. 

Stress is a normal part of life that is harmful to your physical and mental well-being. Various stress relief strategies enable you to improve your overall psychological health. Effective treatments and remedies help you to lessen stress to some extreme levels.


Julia brings her years of healthcare experience to help consistently create engaging content. She received her master's degree in health administration. She ensures that Complete Health News content is up to date, relevant, and evidence-based. She uses her experience to write empowering content on lifestyle, fitness, Nutrition, Skincare, and more.

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