
Know about the Deadly Candida Auris?

First identified in 2009, Candida Auris is a fungus or yeast that leads to a dangerous lethal disease called candidiasis. The emerging pathogen candida auris becomes extremely complex once it enters the body, and the candida auris outbreak is visible in different countries worldwide. In addition, multiple antifungal medications are needed to cure the fungus in some cases. Are you curious to know more about the candida auris outbreak? Continue reading to get an idea about the candida auris global spread. 

Symptoms of Candida Auris 

The symptoms of candida auris vary for each person depending on the infected body part. This fungus most often arises in patients who already suffering from other conditions and clinical environments. Let’s examine a few common symptoms affected by individuals through candida auris. 

Ear infection

One of the main symptoms is a dull or sharp pain in the ear canal. Ear drainage, muffled hearing, and nausea are ear infections caused in infected people. 

Blood contamination 

Infection in the bloodstream is another dangerous outcome of candida auris. This fatal condition leads to a general feeling of tiredness, fever, pain, illness, and malaise among people. Untreated cases of blood infection affect the heart or brain of a person and lead to death. 

Wound infection 

Increased tenderness around the wound, redness around the injury site, and yellowish discharge from the wound are some symptoms of candida auris. Fever, delayed healing, and inflammation are other wound infection results. 

Treatment for Candida Auris

Medical treatment is the primary one to cure candida auris fungus. There are no home or natural treatments for this fungal infection. Antifungal medications are the best method to treat C.auris infections. Echinocandins are a class of antifungals prescribed by doctors to treat most infections in the initial treatment. A few examples of echinocandins include: 

  • Mycamine(micafungin)
  • Eraxis (anidulafungin)
  • Cancidas (caspofungin)

Another way to prevent the spread of the fungus is ensuring hands are kept clean and always hygienic. 

How to Prevent Candida Auris

  1. Hand hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the bathroom, before eating, and after coming into contact with potentially contaminated surfaces. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
  2. Personal protective equipment (PPE): Healthcare workers and individuals in close contact with infected individuals should wear gloves and gowns as appropriate. Follow the recommended protocols for donning and doffing PPE to avoid cross-contamination.
  3. Environmental cleaning: Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects regularly, particularly in healthcare facilities. Use appropriate disinfectants effective against Candida auris and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  4. Patient placement and isolation: In healthcare settings, promptly identify and isolate patients with Candida auris to prevent the spread to other patients. Adhere to strict infection control measures, including dedicated equipment for each patient whenever possible.
  5. Surveillance and screening: Implement active surveillance programs to identify cases of Candida auris. Screen high-risk individuals, such as those with recent hospitalizations, long-term care facility residents, and patients with a history of recent antifungal use, to detect asymptomatic carriers and prevent outbreaks.
  6. Antifungal stewardship: Properly manage and limit the use of antifungal medications to minimize the development of drug-resistant strains of Candida. Only use antifungals when necessary and follow appropriate dosing guidelines.
  7. Education and awareness: Raise awareness among healthcare professionals, patients, and the general public about Candida auris, its risk factors, and preventive measures. Promote proper hand hygiene and infection control practices.

Candida auris mortality rate

The candida auris outbreak is rapidly high and severe infections increase the death rate. These infections cause millions of death each year globally. It is first reported in Japan, 2009 then it becomes a severe global threat. Candida auris is a type of fungus that does not create a threat to individuals in adequate health. However, it cause a fatal danger for patients in nursing homes and hospitals in fragile conditions. A crude mortality rate of 30-60% exists for candida auris each year. 

You must consult a healthcare professional if you suspect any symptoms of the deadly candida auris. Early treatments and tests regarding this fungus cure your health easily. Hence, it is necessary to identify the cause first without any delay. Taking precautions as early as possible helps you to disinfect the candida auris from your body. 


Julia brings her years of healthcare experience to help consistently create engaging content. She received her master's degree in health administration. She ensures that Complete Health News content is up to date, relevant, and evidence-based. She uses her experience to write empowering content on lifestyle, fitness, Nutrition, Skincare, and more.

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