Iris tracking is a new technology that can detect a person’s presence, attention, and focus. In simple terms, iris scanning is a process of taking high-contrast photographs of a person’s iris using visible and near-infrared light. It is said that it doesn’t need complex technology to collect the data, a good HD camera that can watch your face is more than enough. Iris scanning is a biometric technology similar to face recognition and fingerprint. 

According to research, Iris scanning is going to set new trends in the coming years. But the drawback is that this creative technology can disclose more information about oneself when crunched through other advanced systems.

Research says “that eye-tracking data may implicitly contain information about a user’s biometric identity, gender, age, ethnicity, body weight, personality traits, drug consumption habits, emotional state, skills and abilities, fears, interests, and sexual preferences.”

Iris scanning can collect more data than you can ever imagine. Iris scanning can collect various data, including

  • Your eye color and iris texture 
  • Analyze your eyelids 
  • Note redness, watery or dryness in your eyes
  • Measure the dilation of your pupils
  • Note your facial expression 

How Iris Scanning Works

Iris scanning works with the help of a specialized digital camera. The camera uses visible and near-infrared light to take a clear and high-quality picture of a person’s iris. The invisible infrared light takes pictures of unique patterns that are not visible to the naked eye. It detects the picture of the outer and inner boundaries of the Iris and excludes eyelashes, eyelids, and reflections. The final result is a set of pixels containing only iris. Then the eye’s line and colors are analyzed to encode the information in the iris. Later the pattern is digitized and stored in a database for verification or identification. To identify the individual iris scanner uses mathematical pattern recognition. 

Iris scanning will work on people with power glasses or contact lenses, and blind people can also use it if they have an iris. 

Benefits of Using Iris Scanning

Iris scanning has unique advantages. The characteristics of the iris are the same as your thumbprint. Each individual has a unique right eye and left eye patterns. The benefits of using iris scanning include

  • Flexible 
  • Accuracy
  • No physical contact 
  • Iris doesn’t change as people age
  • It will be one of the fastest methods of biometric scanning

You can know a lot about a person through their eyes because eyes are the “mirror of the soul.” Though the new iris technology has various merits, it has its demerits too.