Stress Management

Instant tips to reduce your Blood Pressure Easily!

If you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure or hypertension, you might be worried about taking medications to bring the pressure level down. But the good news is there’re few simple lifestyle changes that help lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disorders, avoiding or reducing medications. Here are some tips to combat against hypertension, the silent killer.

1.Stay Fit by Walking n’ Exercising Regularly: Studies have proven that exercising regularly will increase your heart or breath rate making the blood pump strongly, that lowers the blood pressure. Being homely in choice, you can use stairs, do heavy household works, gardening might help, and walking instead of driving and play sports will reduce BP’s.

Stay Fit by Walking n’ Exercising Regularly

2. Loss of excess Weight: If you come under obesity it is better to reduce your weight because excess cholesterol in the body leads to heart attacks. Making yourself fit and healthy neutralizes your BP level.

Loss of excess Weight

3. Drink less or Avoid Alcohol intaking: To be frank, drinking alcohol and smoking will increase blood pressure to 16%. Some used to tell that drinking alcohol is good for health. Though it is good, only to a quantity. It is recommended to limit to drink to no more than one drink per day.

Drink less or Avoid Alcohol intaking

4. Intake of Potassium-rich Foods: when sodium level is high in blood vessels, it leads to high BP, so eating potassium-rich foods will cease sodium formation, normalizing your body. Eat less processed foods and more fresh foods. Beans, nuts, dairy products, tuna, salmon fish, fruits like banana, avocado, orange, apricot and veggies like tomato, potato, green leaves are rich in potassium that balances’ your diet list. Try avoiding caffeine intake.

Intake of Potassium-rich Foods

5. Learn Managing Stress: The key way to kick off hypertension is to learn managing stress. Because it’s due to stress 80% of people are commenced with high blood pressure. Activities, like listening to music and doing desired things, will reduce BP leading you to a healthy lifestyle.

Learn Managing Stress

Be Happy n’ Stay Fit Always!


Ashley completed her degree with nutrition as her major. She loves sharing her knowledge with others and playing with words. After struggling for almost a year to find a job that could make her feel lively, she ended up as a freelance writer. Ashley writes health-related blogs and articles. She makes sure that her works always stand unique and are useful for everyone. Ashley is also a YouTuber who shares health-related videos. She knows the value of the right information and how it can be beneficial to others. Therefore, her only motto is to provide accurate information. If Ashley sounds like that neighbor who you can ask for health tips, take a look at her works.

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