6 Health benefits of eating beetroot

Many people rightly call the beetroot a “superfood.” Beetroots are magic vegetables that help your body in many ways. They are highly nutritious and healthy, making them a must-have ingredient in your fridge. Beetroots are rich in folates, inorganic nitrates, Vitamin C, fiber, and some minerals. They have the capacity to enhance your exercising ability and reduce your blood pressure. In this blog, let’s take a detailed look at “beetroot health benefits.” 

Beetroot and Its Benefits

You can never underestimate the nutritional value of beetroot. Beets are good for several body functions, some of which are explained below. 

1. Lowers Blood Pressure

Beetroot benefits are numerous, and lowering blood pressure is one of them. High blood pressure can lead to heart disease. One of the amazing new findings of high blood pressure indicates that it can even cause stroke or blindness. So there is a dire need to keep your blood pressure normal. Let’s see how doctors and researchers relate beetroot and blood pressure.

Beets are rich in nitrates, which the body converts to nitric oxide – a compound that relaxes and dilates blood vessels, turning them into superhighways for your nutrient- and oxygen-rich blood. That means better circulation, and possibly lower blood pressure. You might have seen some athletes drinking beetroot juice. They include this juice in their diets so that they can perform better. This is one of the beetroot juice benefits. 

2. Increases Stamina

You can experience the goodness of beetroot after eating the vegetable or drinking its juice over a period of time. Beetroots or beets are often associated with improved stamina. 

The nitrates in beets boost your endurance and stamina levels and thereby give any sports activity the performance boost that it needs. Peak nitrate levels occur two to three hours after you eat beetroots or drink their juice. Beetroots improve your stamina over time and help you do high-intensity endurance exercises. This is just one of the health benefits of beets. 

3. Makes Brain Functioning Better

Here come more benefits of eating beetroot…

Since nitric oxide relaxes and dilates your blood vessels, it increases blood flow to the brain, which could result in better brain function.

Eating a high-nitrate diet that includes beets has proven to show more blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain, a region known to be involved in executive functioning skills like focus, organization, and attention to detail. This area of the brain is also associated with memory capacity and decision-making ability. You can boost your memory in several ways, and one of them is by adding beets to your meals.

Beetroots are also associated with reduced risks of neurodegenerative disorders like dementia. However, there is a need for more research in this line of study.

4. Makes the Liver Lighter

Your liver does the heavy work of cleaning your blood and detoxifying your body. You can lighten its load with a daily serving of beets. In addition, an amino acid found in beets can help prevent and reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver.

Beetroots assist in the activation of liver enzymes and increase the secretion of bile. Bile plays a significant role in helping the liver in its detoxifying functions. 

5. Improves Bowel Movements

One way to beat constipation is by eating fiber-rich foods like beets. A cup of beetroot contains 3.4 grams of fiber. Fiber feeds your friendly gut bacteria and also adds bulk to your stools. This is the reason why many researchers say, “Increase your fiber intake!”

Furthermore, the betaine found in beets improves digestion. This is the reason why many doctors and healthcare professionals recommend beetroot for digestive health.

Beetroots have the capability to prevent digestive disorders, such as diverticulitis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Fiber in beetroot is also associated with reduced risks of colon cancer. So, if you want to know how to lower the risk of colon cancer, you have now got the answer! Thus, the beetroot health benefits are many and varied.

6.  Reduces Heart Disease Risks

Beetroot and heart health are directly linked. Beets don’t just have a potentially positive impact on your blood pressure. They also reduce inflammation of blood vessels in patients with coronary heart disease. Therefore, many doctors recommend a glass of beetroot juice to their patients. But if you wish to add beetroot to your diet, you must first consult your doctor or healthcare provider so that you will know the amount of beet or beet juice to be consumed on a regular basis. Once you reap the benefits of drinking beetroot juice, you will realize the importance of including it in your diet.

The homocysteine levels in the blood need to be normal. If they are high, the chances of experiencing artery damage, stroke, and heart disease will be increased. However, the betaine present in beetroots has the ability to lower the homocysteine levels in the blood. This, in turn, decreases your risks of artery damage, stroke, and heart disease. 

The Bottom Line

In addition to being nutritious, beetroots are delicious too! You can eat them raw, baked, or boiled. They offer an extremely good flavor when added to salads. You can easily include beetroots in your diet to make it wholesome and healthy. Many research studies also recommend beetroot for weight loss. Now that you have seen all the beetroot health benefits, try adding this wonder vegetable to your diet and notice the improvements in your health. In case you have diabetes or any other disease/disorder, make sure you consult your doctor and get their suggestions for including beetroot in your diet.


Eliza is a writer and author who specializes in topics related to mental health, diabetes, skin health, fitness, and allergies. All her articles are based on scientific evidence and she works hard to make all health-related information easy to understand and actionable. When she's not researching or writing, Eliza enjoys getting outdoors as much as possible.

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