
What Is Reggio Emilia Approach?

In the vast landscape of early childhood education, one approach stands out for its innovative and child-centric philosophy: the Reggio Emilia approach. Originating from the town of Reggio Emilia in Italy after World War II, this educational philosophy has garnered international recognition for its emphasis on fostering creativity, exploration, and collaboration in young children.

Understanding the Reggio Emilia Approach

At the heart of the Reggio Emilia approach lies the fundamental belief in the child as a capable and curious learner. Unlike traditional educational paradigms, this approach views children as active participants in their learning journey. Teachers in Reggio Emilia act as facilitators, guiding children through hands-on experiences that encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, cognitive skills, and self-expression.

Key Principles of the Reggio Emilia Philosophy

Several key principles underpin the Reggio Emilia philosophy, shaping its unique approach to early childhood education:

  • Child-Centered Approach

  • Environment as the Third Teacher 

  • Project-Based Learning 

  • Documentation and Reflection

  • Collaborative Partnerships

Role of the Environment in Reggio Emilia

In Reggio Emilia, the environment is regarded as the “third teacher,” playing a pivotal role in shaping children’s learning experiences. Classrooms in Reggio-inspired settings are carefully designed to be aesthetically pleasing, engaging, and conducive to exploration and discovery. Natural materials, such as wood, stone, and plants, are thoughtfully incorporated to provoke curiosity and spark imagination. Spaces are open, inviting, and aesthetically pleasing, encouraging collaboration and communication among learners. Through the environment, Reggio Emilia empowers children to construct their knowledge and navigate their learning journey autonomously.

Documentation as a Tool for Learning

Documentation serves as a powerful tool for learning in Reggio Emilia. It involves the process of observing, interpreting, and showcasing children’s experiences, thoughts, and creations. Through detailed records, photographs, and reflections, documentation captures the richness of children’s learning experiences, highlighting their progress and growth over time. By revisiting documentation, educators gain deeper insights into children’s interests, skills, and perspectives, guiding further exploration and inquiry. Documentation fosters a dynamic learning environment where every voice is valued, and learning is celebrated as an ongoing, collaborative process of discovery and growth.

The Reggio Emilia Teacher

Reggio Emilia teachers exhibit a unique approach, constantly challenging children with thought-provoking questions while fostering their curiosity and independence. They prioritize inquiry-based learning, encouraging children to formulate hypotheses, conduct research, and explore diverse perspectives. Rather than imposing predetermined plans, these teachers follow the children’s lead, proposing possibilities and adapting objectives to match evolving interests and needs. They engage children in making sense of their experiences and ideas through what is termed ‘100 languages’, recognizing varied ways of understanding and expressing thoughts. Furthermore, they scaffold children’s learning by building upon their prior knowledge and beliefs, equipping them with essential skills and concepts relevant to their interests. Through meticulous documentation of both their teaching practices and children’s responses, Reggio Emilia teachers engage in reflective practice, fostering professional dialogue and generating inquiries to deepen understanding of children’s learning processes.

Parent Partnership in Reggio Emilia

Educators, children, and families work together as partners in the Reggio Emilia approach, with each playing a unique and valued role. Parents are seen as active participants in their child’s education, contributing their insights, expertise, and perspectives to enrich the learning experience. They collaborate closely with teachers, engaging in open communication and dialogue to support their child’s development. Parents are encouraged to share their observations, aspirations, and concerns, which inform the educational planning and decision-making process. This partnership fosters a sense of shared responsibility for the child’s education, creating a collaborative and supportive learning environment that extends beyond the classroom. Through mutual respect and cooperation, parents and educators work together to nurture each child’s full potential and holistic growth.

The Importance of Play

Play holds paramount importance in the Reggio Emilia approach, recognized as the primary tool for children’s learning and development. Through play, children engage in self-expression, exploration, and problem-solving, fostering their creativity, curiosity, and social skills. Play allows children to construct meaning from their experiences, navigate their surroundings, and make sense of the world around them. It serves as a platform for children to express their ideas, interests, and emotions, empowering them as active participants in their learning journey. By valuing and facilitating play, 

Embracing Multiple Languages of Learning

The concept of embracing multiple languages of learning goes beyond verbal communication in the Reggio Emilia approach. It encompasses diverse forms of expression, including art, music, movement, and symbolic representation. Children are encouraged to explore and express their ideas and emotions through a myriad of ‘languages’, honoring their strengths and interests. By valuing and supporting these varied modes of communication, educators recognize the richness of children’s experiences and perspectives. This approach fosters a holistic learning environment where children can construct meaning and engage deeply with their surroundings. 

Reggio Emilia Principles in Diverse Educational Settings

Applying Reggio Emilia principles in diverse educational settings requires a flexible and adaptive approach that honors the core values of the Reggio Emilia philosophy. Educators can begin by fostering a collaborative and child-centered environment that values inquiry, creativity, and expression. They should encourage active participation from both children and families, promoting open communication and mutual respect. In diverse settings, educators can adapt Reggio Emilia principles by incorporating culturally relevant materials, experiences, and perspectives into the curriculum. This includes embracing the diverse linguistic, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds of the children and families they serve. 

Thus the Reggio Emilia approach empowers young learners to explore, discover, and construct their understanding of the world around them. As educators and parents continue to seek out innovative and effective approaches to early childhood education, the Reggio Emilia approach shines as a beacon of inspiration and possibility. 


Iris is a health writer at She has completed her Masters in Nutrition and Health and wants to share her knowledge with the world through her blogs. Her blogs emphasize on the importance of tracking one’s health and seeking a physician when required. Check out Iris's posts for health tips and suggestions.

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