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5 Steps to Tame that Temper

Do you have the habit of snapping at people for silly reasons? Do you feel your blood boil every time you get stuck in traffic? First of all, you must understand that anger is a normal emotion. As humans, we express our feelings through such emotions. But the key to a peaceful life is to keep your anger in control. Do not let it adversely impact your mental state and ruin your relationships. In this blog, let’s take a look at the 5 steps for temper management.

Effective Temper Management

Do you know the 4 ways to release anger? Some effective anger management tips can help you tame your temper. Initially, anger control techniques might seem challenging, but they will surely help you in the long run. Once you master these techniques, you will learn how to control your emotions better. It is all about patience and practice. 

Emotional Control Methods

Many healthy anger coping mechanisms are available today. One of them is meditation, which has proved beneficial to lots of people and helped them lead healthier and better lives. Some say that yoga helps them control their anger and keeps their emotions in check. Others believe that effective therapy is the key to anger management. 

Before you get into the anger management therapy techniques, you must first find out what makes you angry. Is it just a trigger from somebody, or is it a series of events that make you irritated? Once you pinpoint the root cause of your anger, you can easily work towards paying more attention to your emotions and becoming calmer.

How Do You Manage Your Temper?

Here are the 5 steps to tame that temper of yours. Do follow them whenever your emotions are spiraling out of control!

1. Stop and Take Deep Breaths

The moment you feel that you are losing your cool while talking to a person, stop. Yes, stop whatever you are saying and try to distract yourself from the current situation. Take a walk, listen to music, jump, or perform any act that will stop you from losing your cool and acting in a way that you will regret.

If nothing works, close your eyes and take deep breaths, slow and easy. Breathing helps in slowing down your heart rate and calms you down from the current chaotic stress in your mind. This is the answer to your question, “How do I stop anger outbursts?”

2. Think and Get Some Space

Once you give yourself some time to cool down, think and do not let anything slip from your mouth that you will regret at a later date. It is very important to give yourself some space to cool down, think, and react. The problem we generally face is that we don’t stop to think when we are angry. However, many anger management classes advise us against speaking to others when our blood boils. They suggest that we take a minute and let our minds process the situation. 

Therefore, make sure that you speak only once you have collected your thoughts and then slowly express what is in your mind in a calm manner.

3. Express Your Feelings Calmly

You should never let your uncontrolled anger get the better of you. At the same time, you need to let the other person (who has caused your anger) know how you feel. This way, that person will know that their words have hurt you or made you angry. 

So, once you have reached the stage when you can control your mind and tongue, you must get down to expressing your anger. Express your anger directly and in a nonconfrontational way, making extra sure that you do not hurt anyone’s feelings in the process. And, maintain a calm, even tone while talking. Having control over your voice and tone is one of the most effective cooling-down strategies.

4. Exercise/Sleep Based on the Situation

Both exercise and sleep act as mood boosters. When you exercise, your body releases the feel-good hormone known as “endorphin.” Sleeping, on the other hand, rejuvenates your body and mind. Thus, both are “calming down” strategies.

So, when you are angry, try working out or sleeping, based on whether you are at home or anywhere outside. When you feel anger rising at home, get your blood pumping with a good old workout. Direct your anger to physical activity and see the stress drain away. Alternatively, take a walk, pump some iron, or ride a cycle to channel your anger in the right outlet.

If your body is stressed out, then getting a good night’s rest can do wonders. Lack of sleep produces more stress hormones, along with reduced metabolism and increased blood pressure rates. So, do not underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep in keeping your anger in check. Getting enough sleep will also strengthen your immune system. Here’s all you must know about the immune system and sleep.

If you cannot work out or sleep, try listening to some calming music. Many people feel that this habit is beneficial in controlling their anger. 

5. Let It Go!

Anger won’t benefit you in any way nor will it solve anything, but as a matter of fact, it will only make things worse. Anger is not worth the negative impact it has on your body. So, let go of the negative feelings and try to embrace positive energy. Go figure out what makes you happy and let go of the anger inside you.

The above 5 steps will teach you how to control anger.

How to Control Anger in a Relationship?

Learning how to control your temper goes a long way in relationship building. It will assist in improving your relationship with the other person, rather than breaking it. Knowing the ways to handle anger also helps in avoiding heated arguments with your partner, which in turn, paves the way for better and more fulfilling relationships. 

How to Control Anger Immediately?

If you are in need of controlling your temper immediately at your workplace, escape or go to a quiet room and visualize a soothing scene. For example, think of the waves in the sea, or imagine the waves lapping at your feet. This will help you relax for the time being.

Mindful Temper Taming

If you want to practice mindful temper taming, try compassion meditation. It is a technique where you repeat certain phrases silently through which you move from negativity to positivity. It is also meant to have compassion towards others, and hence the name. In other words, you will want the person/people to be free from suffering. But remember that compassion meditation could be emotionally taxing. You can start practicing it only with the right guidance. At all costs, avoid giving it a try on your own! Also, know how to practice mindfulness meditation.

How Do You Overcome Anger and Irritability for Good?

Firstly, accept the situation you are in. Avoid trying to resist it. The key to tackling your anger lies in acceptance, not in resistance. If a person says something that hurts or disturbs you, try to stay calm. Many people find “counting” numbers a fruitful remedy that solves anger issues. The idea is to do something that distracts you from the current situation. Bursting out will not help in all scenarios. 

In case you consult a therapist for your anger management, they will definitely teach you some patience-building exercises. As we have mentioned previously, anger control is all about patience and practice. So, practice temper management and avoid temper tantrums at all costs.

Last but not least, remember one thing – you can control your anger, but don’t let it control you!


Eliza is a writer and author who specializes in topics related to mental health, diabetes, skin health, fitness, and allergies. All her articles are based on scientific evidence and she works hard to make all health-related information easy to understand and actionable. When she's not researching or writing, Eliza enjoys getting outdoors as much as possible.

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