Weight Loss

Are Probiotics Effective for Promoting Weight Loss?

Good and bad bacteria coexist in the human body throughout a person’s lifetime. Live probiotics are considered good bacteria that are beneficial to the digestive system. A healthy amount of bacteria and yeast is necessary for maintaining digestive health. These beneficial microorganisms support our gut health too. They aid in maintaining the natural balance of the gut.

An overabundance of bad bacteria instead of beneficial bacteria is known as a gut bacterial imbalance. Numerous health problems, including the inability to absorb nutrition, failure to control blood pressure, and fat storage, can be brought on by this imbalance. Gut bacterial imbalance can result from various factors, including illness, antibiotic use, poor diet, etc.

Probiotics can often help deal with these health problems. They can be taken as supplements or consumed through fermented foods.

Healthy probiotics foods

Below listed are some of the healthy foods rich in probiotics:


One of the best, most readily available, and reasonably priced food high in probiotics is yogurt. Milk fermentation produces yogurt. In children, yogurt helps to strengthen bones and lowers the incidence of antibiotic-induced diarrhea. Even though the signs of irritable bowel syndrome are reduced by it, people with lactose intolerance get advised against it.


Traditional buttermilk is simply the leftover liquid from butter. Only traditional buttermilk contains probiotics. Packed buttermilk that we usually buy from supermarkets does not have the necessary probiotics.


Even though many different types of fermented cheese are available on the market, not all contain probiotics. To identify a probiotics-containing product, always seek for the phrase “live cultures.” Cheese aids in blood vessel protection and gut health.


A fermented soybean product is called tempeh. Its origins are from Indonesia, but it has gained popularity worldwide as a high-protein meat alternative. Vitamin B12, a protein-rich component often present in animal dietary products and which soybeans do not natively contain, is developed during the fermentation process in making tempeh. 


Kimchi is a fermented food high in probiotics and offers several health advantages. It is an Asian fermented food made primarily from radishes and cabbage. Kimchi contains Lactobacillus and other lactic acid bacteria that may be good for the digestive system. Vitamin K, vitamin B2, and iron are a few of the vitamins and minerals abundant in cabbage-based kimchi.

Probiotics for weight loss

Do probiotics really help in weight loss? The answer is ‘yes.’ Certain types of probiotic supplements help with weight loss. According to weight loss experts, a few bacteria in the probiotic food may contribute to weight loss, but that solely depends on an individual’s body nature and the type of supplement they are intaking. Probiotic supplements comprise different bacteria strains. It is still unclear as to which bacteria aids in weight loss. It is always advisable to consult a health care provider before bringing in the practice of using any weight loss supplements. Hoping this blog on probiotics benefits was educative. 


Emma is a dietitian who uses her background in medicine to write health blogs . She has a Master's degree in Dietetics and Nutrition. Emma is engaged in a variety of research projects on fitness, skincare, and mental wellness. For quick healthy advice, see Emma's posts.

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