Do you know that drinking water and heart disease prevention are related? Yes, according to recent research and studies conducted, drinking water lowers the risk of heart disease. In other words, water intake plays a prominent role in heart disease prevention. However, the time of drinking and the quantity of water drunk are some of the factors that must be taken into account when it comes to prevention of heart disease.
Frequent drinking of water or other fluids protects you from dehydration. If you know the 4 immediate signs of dehydration, you will be better informed about drinking fluids regularly throughout the day. Let’s dig deeper into the concept of drinking water and the role it plays in reducing the risk of heart disease.
Water and Heart Health
It has been found that the major cause of death among American men is heart disease. Many people fail to realize that heart attack is one of the leading killers among American people. So, it is necessary for everyone to be aware of the causes of heart disease and the ways to prevent it.
We all know that drinking water is good for our health and it can protect us from various health risks. You can enjoy several health benefits just by drinking water. Drinking water at the right time not only provides you with stamina but also reduces the risk of heart disease. Continue reading this blog to know more about how water intake and heart disease risk are related. You will also find that drinking water can save you from a heart attack.
Can Drinking Enough Water Prevent Heart Attacks?
Apart from eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly, drinking water is also important for good health. So, if you have the question, “Does drinking water lower heart disease risk?” in mind, our answer is “Yes!”
Many scientists link hydration and cardiovascular health for all the right reasons. By drinking water at the right time of the day, you can do wonders for your heart health. According to a news release from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), good hydration might reduce the long-term risks of heart failure.
Drinking water before bed is highly recommended by doctors and healthcare providers. Most of the time, people refrain from drinking water at night to avoid getting up overnight. However many health specialists and cardiologists recommend drinking water at night. They say that a trip to the bathroom at night has many advantages. A glass of water before sleeping not only reduces the risk of a heart attack but also protects you from stroke.
So, by now, you would have got the answer to your question, “What are the benefits of drinking water for heart health?”
Water Intake and Coronary Heart Disease
As per a study published in the European Heart Journal in September 2022, when a person maintains good hydration levels, it can lower the risks of heart failure.
A person who drinks 5 or more glasses of water per day has a much lower risk of getting fatal coronary heart disease than a person who drinks less than 3 glasses of water. While drinking water during the day keeps you hydrated, it is also necessary to drink before bed as it helps improve circulation during the nighttime. Specialists say that nighttime is the time when you are at the greatest risk of getting a heart attack.
Is It True That Drinking Water Can Lower Cholesterol?
There is a lot of confusion in people’s minds about water consumption and its impact on cholesterol levels and weight loss. Many wonder if drinking enough water can reduce obesity.
Drinking water might not have a direct impact on your cholesterol levels. Many say that water does not have the ability to reduce cholesterol levels. However, water intake can improve your metabolic rate, which in turn, has an effect on your cholesterol levels.
Since cholesterol is directly linked to heart disease, proper water intake, which has an effect on cholesterol, will also lead to reduced risks of heart disease. So, this is one of the ways in which drinking water and heart disease are connected.
How Much Water Should I Drink to Prevent Heart Disease?
Usually, it is recommended that on average, men should drink about 3.7 liters (15.5 cups) of water a day and women should drink about 2.7 liters (11.5 cups) of water. This count includes not only water but also beverages and food that have about 20 percent fluid content.
The serum sodium level is a measurement that represents how much sodium is there in your body. The sodium level should not exceed 142mmol/l, as this increases the adverse effects on the heart. The lower level of serum sodium shows that you are more hydrated. If your sodium level gets too high, then you are at risk of getting heart disease. So, it is necessary to drink more water to keep yourself hydrated.
You will find the new study on lowering heart disease risk with drinking water highly enlightening. The bottom line is that good hydration is necessary throughout your life, which may decrease the risk of heart failure and left ventricular hypertrophy. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to drinking water. And, drinking too much water can be fatal. So, you must consult your doctor/healthcare provider to know the exact quantity of water you should consume every day.
Drinking Water for a Healthier Life
We hope you now have the answer to your question, “What are the findings of the study on water and heart health?” Water might appear to be just a simple fluid, but when taken in the right quantities at the right times, it can do wonders for your body and mind.